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Does anyone know how to add your own php.ini file using a regular hostings company, I have tried putting the file in the folders of the site, etc but this doesn't work.


Is this something I can modify in Cpanel, or WebHostManager, Or is it literally a case of getting my hostings company to do it.


I am working on an image upload script, the max file upload size is set at 2mb however I would be looking at changing this to 10mb for a website I am doing for a canvas printer so images will be high quality etc.


Alternatively should I start looking into an ftp script, and upload them that way, can this be incorporated into a form and is this way secure?


Many Thanks



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Most hosting companys, especially shared hosting sites, restrict access to the php.ini


If you want to change a PHP setting and you don't have access to the php.ini you can either change the PHP setting by either using a .htacccess file or by using the ini_set function at the top of your script.


If you are going for the .htaccess option you will need to make sure your host allows the use of .htacces files and that PHP is loaded as an Apache module and not by CGI

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