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Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong with the code? No matter what I do I can't seem to get my txtUsername and txtPassword variables posted by the page. I've returned to using php after a few years and this has me stumped at the moment.



$FF_valUsername = $_POST['txtUsername'];
// *** Start the session
// *** Validate request to log in to this site.
$FF_LoginAction = $PHP_SELF;
if (isset($FF_valUsername))
  $FF_rsUser_Source="SELECT mem_email, mem_password ";
  if ($FF_fldUserAuthorization != "") $FF_rsUser_Source .= "," . $FF_fldUserAuthorization;
  $FF_rsUser_Source .= " FROM member WHERE mem_email='" . $FF_valUsername . "' AND mem_password='" . $_POST["txtPassword"] . "'";
  mysql_select_db($database_localhost, $localhost);
  $FF_rsUser=mysql_query($FF_rsUser_Source, $localhost) or die(mysql_error());
  $row_FF_rsUser = mysql_fetch_assoc($FF_rsUser);
  if(mysql_num_rows($FF_rsUser) > 0) {
    // username and password match - this is a valid user
    if ($FF_fldUserAuthorization != "") {
    } else {
    if (isset($accessdenied) && false) {
      $FF_redirectLoginSuccess = $accessdenied;
$FF_login_failed = false;
    header ("Location: $FF_redirectLoginSuccess");
  $FF_login_failed = true;
  header ("Location: $FF_redirectLoginFailed");
$MyConnection = new Connection();
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  		$result = mysql_query("SELECT mem_name, mem_created FROM member ORDER BY mem_created DESC LIMIT 1");
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				echo "Not set!!!!!!";
			if ($FF_login_failed = true)
				echo  $FF_valUsername." = ".$txtPassword;
    <form action="index.php" METHOD="post" enctype="" name="frmLogin" target="" id="frmLogin">
  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%">
      				<p style="font-size: 80%; float: left">
        				<input name="txtUsername" type="text" id="txtUsername" onfocus="changeColour(this)" onblur="revertColour(this)" size="10" style="float: right" />
      				<p style="font-size: 80%; float: left">
        			<input name="txtPassword" type="password" id="txtPassword" onfocus="changeColour(this)" onblur="revertColour(this)" size="10" style="float: right" />
				echo "<p style=\"font-size: 80; font-color=\"red\">Login Failed</p>";
		else if ($FF_login_failed = false && isset($txtUsername))
			echo "Welcome user!";
        <input name="btnLogin" type="submit" class="btn" id="btnLogin" onmouseover="changeColour(this)" onmouseout="revertColour(this)" value="Login" style="float: right" />
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What version of PHP are you using? Prior to PHP 4 you need to use $HTTP_POST_VALUES  instead of $_POST I believe.


And a side note

if ($FF_login_failed = true)


will always return true. Just set it to this:


if ($FF_login_failed)


That will check for you.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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