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I'm currently working on a calendar project that includes an add entry... but I want to strip the message for all "bad" chars... like now you can use HTML tags and everything... so...


i know how to use the str_replace, but I've been trying to understand the regex, but I just cant figure it out... can anyone please help me?

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i've been trying some combinations, but I just cant figure this out... all i know is that it didn't work..haha.. cuz it allowed this message


<strong>this </strong><font size="7">is </font><em>a test </em><table border="12"><tr><td>in the </td></tr><tr><td>validation</td></tr></table>process <br />for <br />new <br />entries


this is the ereg code i use: (DONT LAUGH!!  ;D)

ereg('^[a-åA-Å0-9]', $message)

nobody want to help me?  ???


I've been reading on php.net docforge.com regexlib.com and i just don't get it from just that theoretical part.. i need to see it in action

here's an explination about what I want to achive..


Valid chars:




,.-" ()


Illegal chars: (if you know any other chars removed.. please let me know)



well basicly now i'm asking anyone to please give me if not the whole code, at least a guidline I can use.


Please guys

Thanks In Advance

Clown, you cannot have a list of valid characters and a list of invalid characters if they are not comprehensive; therefore, I'd base the expression off of your valid characters.


Here's an example:


<meta charset="utf-8"/>

### Borrowed from http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.utf8-encode.php#58461
function code2utf($num) {
   if($num<128)return chr($num);
   if($num<2048)return chr(($num>>6)+192).chr(($num&63)+128);
   if($num<65536)return chr(($num>>12)+224).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128);
   if($num<2097152)return chr(($num>>18)+240).chr((($num>>12)&63)+128).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128) .chr(($num&63)+128);
   return '';

$latin_block = array();
foreach (range(32, 591) as $code_point) {
	$latin_block[] = code2utf($code_point);

$greek_block = array();
foreach (range(880, 1023) as $code_point) {
	$greek_block[] = code2utf($code_point);

$latin_string = join('', $latin_block);
$greek_string = join('', $greek_block);

echo $big_string = $latin_string . $greek_string;
echo '<br>';
echo preg_replace('/[^-,."()a-z0-9\x{00E6}\x{00F8}\x{00E5}]/iu', '', $big_string);


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