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Problem with form submission


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hello all,


I have run into a bit of an issue... On my three development boxes I run Gentoo, BSD and Windows with practically the same PHP config along with Apache 2. A project I recently completed was just uploaded to a client's server running Apache 2 and PHP (5.2.1). I can no longer submit any data from forms:



<form action="page2.php?action=insert" method="post">


Name<br />


<input size="40" name="name" type="text"><br />

<input type="submit" value="Submit">






die("No function Value given");


$action = $_REQUEST['action'];


switch($action) {

case 'insert':

$name = $_REQUEST['name'];

// Create instance of database class and connect.

$mysql = new mysql();


// Do insert.

$insert = $mysql->insert("database","name","$name");

// Redirect to main listing.

header('Location: index.php');




Like I said, this has worked flawless up until now... Now when I submit I get a blank page with the URL showing as page2.php?action=insert

I thought this was due to register globals, but as far as I know, I am handling that correctly... And it is also "off" on my tests servers.

I am going crazy over this, does anyone have any idea what is going??





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I have tried changing the code in several different ways already... What bothers me the most though is that, like I said, this works on 4 other servers... What in the server configuration could cause something like this? No data is being passed through forms what so ever...



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