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For loop maadddness


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ok, so, i know all about for loops, and about using variables.  BUT, I need use that clever $i variable.  I can do this with the set("","") and eval("") statements in FLASH.  But i dont know their equivelants in PHP


heres the basic code.


$phpNum = $_POST["flashNum"];


if (phpNum == 1) {

$gnum1 = $_POST["gnum1"];

$team1a = $_POST["team1a"];

$team1b = $_POST["team1b"];

$sql1 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum1' , '$team1a' , '$team1b')");


else if (phpNum == 2) {

$gnum1 = $_POST["gnum1"];

$team1a = $_POST["team1a"];

$team1b = $_POST["team1b"];

$gnum2 = $_POST["gnum2"];

$team2a = $_POST["team2a"];

$team2b = $_POST["team2b"];

$sql1 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum1' , '$team1a' , '$team1b')");

$sql2 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum2' , '$team2a' , '$team2b')");




See how that variable $i could be used instead of having an if else over and over again.  I know there is a way to do this.  I need to have a max value for phpNum be 16.  and id much prefer not have this if else junk 16 times, that code would be huge.  Any help is great, thanx.

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Well, I'm not sure what you are after. I don't see a loop anywhere that you could use a FOR loop, but there is some inefficiency in your code. You do not need to repeat statements in both the if statements if they are common to both:



$phpNum = $_POST["flashNum"]; 

// This section is common to both
$gnum1 = $_POST["gnum1"];
$team1a = $_POST["team1a"];
$team1b = $_POST["team1b"];
$sql1 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum1' , '$team1a' , '$team1b')");

// This section is only for the value 2
if (phpNum == 2) {
    $gnum2 = $_POST["gnum2"];
    $team2a = $_POST["team2a"];
    $team2b = $_POST["team2b"];
    $sql2 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum2' , '$team2a' , '$team2b')");


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The basic structure for while is:


$i = 1;
while ($i <= $phpNum) {
  # Do something with $i


You can access numbered variables from $_POST like this:


$gnum = $_POST["gnum{$i}"];


There's no need to use $gnum1 and $gnum2 as variable names, since you will only be dealing with one at a time.

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i agree with the code repeating, IF that was the code i was going to use, but as you pointed it it does repeat.  Now take that 2 lines, and make it say 50 lines, imagine how many similar lines there would be. what im trying to do is something like this


for ($i=1 ; $i<phpNum ; $i++) {

$gnum.$i = $_POST["gnum".$i"];

$team.$i."a" = $_POST["team".$i."a"];

$team.$i."b" = $_POST["team".$i."b"];

$sql.$i = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum.$i' , '$team'.$i.'a' , '$team'.$i.'b')");



your probly like what?  Well the variable $gnum needs to be $gnum1 $gnum2 $gnum3.  And that is because of the sql insert needs insert a new row depending on the phpNum.  so if phpNum is 5 the code inserts 5 rows of diff values.  What are those values?  they are taken from flash which actually has this same for loop.  Heres the flash code equivelant:


for (j=1;j<=numM;j++) {

set("gnum" + j , j)

set("team" + j + "a" , eval("my_mc.my_cb" + j + ".selectedItem.label"));

set("team" + j + "b" , eval("my_mc.my_cb2" + j + ".selectedItem.label"));




If you didnt know the stuff after the eval statement is a combo box select menu.


A response to that last person who replied, with the {$}.  Wont that replace $gnum each time?  dont i need a new gnum?

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Does this make sence?


$i = 1;

while ($i <= $phpNum) {

$gnum = $_POST["gnum{$i}"];

$teama = $_POST["team{$i}a"];

$teamb = $_POST["team{$i}b"];

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");


is the syntax right there?

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You're on the right track, but you will need to increment your iterator variable each time you go through the loop, so try it one of two ways:


$i = 1;
while ($i <= $phpNum) {
$gnum = $_POST["gnum{$i}"];
$teama = $_POST["team{$i}a"];
$teamb = $_POST["team{$i}b"];
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");


... or ...


for ($i = 1; $i <= $phpNum; $i++) {
$gnum = $_POST["gnum{$i}"];
$teama = $_POST["team{$i}a"];
$teamb = $_POST["team{$i}b"];
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");

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this doesnt work

for ($i=1; $i<= $phpNum; $i++) {

$gnum = $_POST["gnum{$i}"];

$teama = $_POST["team{$i}a"];

$teamb = $_POST["team{$i}b"];

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");



but this does:

$gnum = $_POST["gnum1"];

$teama = $_POST["team1a"];

$teamb = $_POST["team1b"];

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");



so whats wrong with the for loop, or whats wrong with the inside the brackets [] ?




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this doenst work

for ($i=0; $i<= 3; $i++) {

$gnum = $_POST["gnum".$i];

$teama = $_POST["team".$i."a"];

$teamb = $_POST["team".$i."b"];

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");



this does work


$gnum = $_POST["gnum".$i];

$teama = $_POST["team".$i."a"];

$teamb = $_POST["team".$i."b"];

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");


so whats wrong with the for loop?

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Try this:


for ($i=0; $i<= 3; $i++) {
$gnum = "gnum".$i;
$teama = "team".$i."a";
$teamb = "team".$i."b";
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('".$_POST[$gnum]."' , '".$_POST[$teama]."' , '".$_POST[$teamb]."')");

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this doenst work

for ($i=0; $i<= 3; $i++) {

$gnum = $_POST["gnum".$i];

$teama = $_POST["team".$i."a"];

$teamb = $_POST["team".$i."b"];

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");



this does work


$gnum = $_POST["gnum".$i];

$teama = $_POST["team".$i."a"];

$teamb = $_POST["team".$i."b"];

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('$gnum' , '$teama' , '$teamb')");


so whats wrong with the for loop?


Are you getting any errors? I see that your working example uses 1, but your for loop starts at 0 - do you have 0 values that you are posting?

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Sorry, I had to go and spend some time with Flash to get myself used to passing information from it to PHP again.


Barand, you are a genius. You always justify those stars next to your name  :).


optikalefx, change the "var" names in your Flash form fields to be something like this:


gnum fields:




... and so on ...


teama fields:




... and so on ...


teamb fields:




... and so on ...


When you submit the flash form, you'll get an array for gnum, teama and teamb values each of which you can loop through easily, something like:


foreach($_POST['gnum'] as $key => $value){
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $week (gnum, team1, team2) VALUES ('".$value."' , '".$_POST['teama'][$key]."' , '".$_POST['teamb'][$key]."')");


This will allow you to use the $gnum array keys as pointers for the corresponding $teama and $teamb arrays


Obviously you'll want to put in some error checking either in your Flash actionscript or in your PHP code to check for empty fields, but that's not really a concern at the moment.


Good luck!




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