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Warning: mysql_fetch_row


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hello im getting the error


Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in...


i was using the msqli extension but getting a fatal error of


Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_row() on a non-object in


so i changed back the the msql extension and have the current problem.


do i need to download the latest connector files?


any help would be great,



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sometimes you get this erro  when you are using mysql instead of ,myqli, different versions of mysql....



whic version of mysql are you running, if its 4.1.14 of higher ( from memory) it needs to be mysqli,


other than that..... try mysql_fetch_array  it gets both numbered arrays:








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if(! @include('includes/connection.inc.php')) //including connection


echo 'sorry database unavailable';



define('COLS',2); //defining number of columns

define('SHOWMAX',6); //maximum number or records per page

$conn = dbConnect('query'); //create connection

$getTotal = 'SELECT COUNT (*) FROM images'; //prepare sql to get total records

$total = mysql_query($getTotal); //submit query and store as totalpix

$row = mysql_fetch_row($total);

$totalPix = $row[0];




$curPage = $_GET['curPage'];




$curPage = 0;


$startRow = $curPage * SHOWMAX; //calculate start of subset

$sql = "SELECT * FROM images LIMIT $startRow,".SHOWMAX; //prepare sql to recieve image details

$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysqli_error()); //submit query

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);


and in my body...


<?php echo $startRow+1;

 if ($startRow+1 < $totalPix)


   echo ' to ';

if ($startRow+SHOWMAX < $totalPix)


 echo $startRow+SHOWMAX;




 echo $totalPix;



 echo " of $totalPix";




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you HAVE to use mysqli if its certain versions, its just syntax...... its like trying to use "random_number(between 10 and 20)" instead of "rand(10, 20)"



my mysqli is fine, its works perfectly...... ill help if you need buut i think youll be needing to use that

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i changed back to mysqli, all my other pages are working fine but im stil getting the error i was before.


Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_row() on a non-object in D:\Project-WebSite\public_html\Project\gallery.php on line 15


from this code



if(! @include('includes/connection.inc.php')) //including connection


echo 'sorry database unavailable';



define('COLS',2); //defining number of columns

define('SHOWMAX',6); //maximum number or records per page

$conn = dbConnect('query'); //create connection

$getTotal = 'SELECT COUNT (*) FROM images'; //prepare sql to get total records

$total = $conn->query($getTotal); //submit query and store as totalpix

$row = $total->fetch_row();

$totalPix = $row[0];

$curPage = isset($_GET['curPage']) ? $_GET['curPage'] : 0; //set the current page

$conn = dbConnect('query'); //create connection to mysql

$startRow = $curPage * SHOWMAX; //calculate start of subset

$sql = "SELECT * FROM images LIMIT $startRow,".SHOWMAX; //prepare sql to recieve image details

$result = $conn->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error()); //submit query

$row = $result->fetch_assoc();

if (isset($_GET['image']))


$mainImage = $_GET['image'];




$mainImage = $row['filename'];



$imageSize = getimagesize('images/'.$mainImage); // get the dimensions of the main image


help would be great, cheers.

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You are using fetch_row and fetch_assoc...it seems as though fetch_row is not a function. Try this instead:


$total = $conn->query($getTotal);               //submit query and store as totalpix
$row = $total->fetch_assoc(); 


And [ code ] tags are your friend, not the enemy.

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function dbConnect($type) {

if ($type  == 'query') {

  $user = 'lcquery';

$pwd = '********';


elseif ($type == 'admin') {

    $user = 'lcadmin';

$pwd = '*******';


else {

    exit('Unrecognized connection type');


  $conn = new mysqli('localhost', $user, $pwd, 'lordconyersfc') or die('cannot open database');

return $conn;





the data base is connecting fine though as i have other parts of the database on other parts of ths site which work fine, the gallery also worked fine up untlil now too

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