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How to Set Script Execution at the Command Line?

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I am a New Kid in programming and PHP, and self learning.


I read books to set Command Line.


I brought up the MS-DOS shell, it reads:


C:\Documents and Settings\user>


Then, what command should I type to re-direct the path!?


By file searching, my php.exe saved in:


C:\php  and  C:\Program Files\php


And is that right I should first save the php file in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs ....

before execute the file!?


Thanks for advice, but sorry I am a kid in programming that needs details direction ....

Would be grateful if you can show me step by step. ;)


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if you have installed Apache then you place your PHP files in the htdocs folder. Then you go to http://localhost to run your PHP files. You don't use the command line.


You only use the command if you don't have a httpd server configured/installed.


If you want to run your php scripts in the command line. Then open up the command line by going to Start > Rum > Type cmd > OK


The command line window will now appear.


Now to change directory simply type cd followed by a space and then your new path. Eg:

cd ../../php


cd C:\php

Now press enter and it should now read:



The ../ means goes one higher in directory tree.


How come you have two installation of PHP? Only one will do. Delete the one your are not using.

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Many thanks genius I solved my problem using CLI.


Can you also tell me steps using command line to finding the version of PHP, say :

say, typing php -v


How can I go to "ksh" mode!?


Secondly, please also tell me steps "Using PHP interactively".  Say,

type " $ php -a " in ksh for windows.


Many thanks, and your advice helps my studies greatly!!! :-[

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Hi Genuis,


I tried on my own and now can work out all "PHP Options" - finding PHP versions and PHP interactive mode.


Now, I learned the way to handle options.


Many thanks for your guidance and it makes my learning a "breeze" and joys.



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