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[SOLVED] What can I post?


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Okay, here's what I want as I don't fully understand what you're suggesting.


I am trying to make a quick 'RPG'.

It will work like so;

  • The player is 'man'. The so-called 'CPU' is 'dragon'.
  • Each has 'health' - man's health is a variable called $manhealth and dragon's health is a variable called $dragonhealth.
  • Each 'round', a random number (see below for more detail) is drawn for the damage which man and dragon do towards eachother.
  • Two options are available for the 'attack' which the player chooses; 'SWORD', which can do between 5 and 10 damage, and 'BOW/ARROW', which can do between 0 and 20 damage.
  • The dragon will always do between 0 and 15 damage each round.
  • The 'attack' is choosable via a drop-down menu and 'submit' button.
  • There are two files involved; rpg2.php and action.php, the latter being the one in which the damage is actually done.


From these notes, could someone please draft up just a few lines of code? All I need is:


  • A form - a drop-down menu which has two options and POSTs to action.php (to be used in rpg2.php)
  • An echo saying the name of the attack you have used (to be used in action.php)



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<form name="form1" id="form1" method ="post" action="action.php">
<select name="attack">
  <option value ="sword">SWORD</option>
  <option value ="bow">BOW/ARROW</option>
<input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Attack">


on your action.php


$attack = $_POST['attack']; 

if($attack == "bow")
//do whatever you want to do
elseif($attack == "sword")
// do whatever you want to do
//throw an error because you got here without using other page or the post got lost

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and if you want to pass the two variables of $manhealth and $dragonhealth use two hidden fields like this


<form name="form1" id="form1" method ="post" action="action.php">
<select name="attack">
  <option value ="sword">SWORD</option>
  <option value ="bow">BOW/ARROW</option>
<input name="dragon" type="hidden" id="dragon" value="<?php echo $dragonhealth; ?>">
<input name="man" type="hidden" id="man" value="<?php echo $manhealth; ?>">
<input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Attack">


and extract that information on your action.php by

$attack = $_POST['attack']; 
$dragonhealth = $_POST['dragon'];
$manhealth = $_POST['man'];

if($attack == "bow")
echo "Its a Bow and Arrow attack";
elseif($attack == "sword")
echo "Its a Sword attack";
echo "You got here without using the correct page you cheat";//try just typing the action.php without using the form

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<form action="action.php" method="POST">
  <div align="center">
    <p>Choose your attack from the drop-down menu.<br>
      <select name="weapon" id="weapon">
        <option value="sword">Sword (5-10 Damage)</option>
        <option value="bow">Bow + Arrow (0-20 Damage)</option>
      <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Play Round">

$manhealth = 100;
$dragonhealth = 100;

echo "Your Health = $manhealth";
echo "Dragon's Health = $dragonhealth";

$attack = $_POST['attack']; 

if($attack == "bow")
echo "$attack" //do whatever you want to do
elseif($attack == "sword")
// do whatever you want to do
//throw an error because you got here without using other page or the post got lost

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if($attack == "bow")


echo "$attack" //do whatever you want to do


elseif($attack == "sword")


// do whatever you want to do




//throw an error because you got here without using other page or the post got lost



the semi colon after the curly brace should be after

 echo "$attack"

not after the closing brace so it should look like this


if($attack == "bow")
echo "$attack" ;//do whatever you want to do
elseif($attack == "sword")
// do whatever you want to do
//throw an error because you got here without using other page or the post got lost

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Just place all your code in one file and use the same page for the form and the processing. Like so:



function showAttackForm($player_hp, $cpu_hp, $weapons){
echo '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
	<table width="200" border="1">
	<td>Player HP </td>
	<td>Dragon HP </td>
	<td><font color="green">'.$player_hp.'</font></td>
	<td><font color="red">'.$cpu_hp.'</font></td>
	<p>Choose your weapon:<br>
	<select name="playerweapon_choose">';

for($i=0;$i < count($weapons);$i++){
	echo '<option value="'.$i.'">'.$weapons[$i]['name'].' ('.$weapons[$i]['min'].'-'.$weapons[$i]['max'].' dmg)</option>';

echo '
	<input type="hidden" name="playerhealth" value="'.$player_hp.'">
	<input type="hidden" name="cpuhealth" value="'.$cpu_hp.'">
	<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Attack!">

// Set the default hitpoints for player and cpu
$default_playerhealth = 50;
$default_cpuhealth = 50;

// Set damage variables for cpu
$cpudamage = array();
$cpudamage['name'] = "Fire Breath";
$cpudamage['min'] = 0;
$cpudamage['max'] = 15;

// Set damage varaibles for player
$playerweapons = array();
$playerweapons[0]['name'] = "Bow & Arrow";
$playerweapons[0]['min'] = 0;
$playerweapons[0]['max'] = 20;
$playerweapons[1]['name'] = "Sword";
$playerweapons[1]['min'] = 5;
$playerweapons[1]['max'] = 10;

// Get the health levels for player and cpu
$playerhealth = $_POST['playerhealth'];
$cpuhealth = $_POST['cpuhealth'];

// Get the player damage and weapon name for the round
$playerweapon_round = $playerweapons[$_POST['playerweapon_choose']]['name'];
$playerdamage_round = rand($playerweapons[$_POST['playerweapon_choose']]['min'],$playerweapons[$_POST['playerweapon_choose']]['max']);

// Calculate the cpu damage for the round
$cpudamage_round = rand($cpudamage['min'], $cpudamage['max']);

// Apply the damage to the player and cpu
$playerhealth = $playerhealth - $cpudamage_round;
$cpuhealth = $cpuhealth - $playerdamage_round;

echo '<div align="left"><font color="green">You attacked with the '.$playerweapon_round.' and did '.$playerdamage_round.' damage.</font></div>
      <div align="left"><font color="red">The dragon attacked you with '.$cpu_damage['name'].' and did '.$cpudamage_round.' damage.</font></div>';

// Check if player or cpu reached 0 hitpoints
if($playerhealth <= 0 || $cpuhealth <= 0){
	// Check who died
	if($playerhealth <= 0){
		echo '<div align="left"><strong><font color="red">YOU HAVE DIED!</font></strong></div>';
	} else {
		echo '<div align="left"><strong><font color="green">YOU HAVE SLAIN THE DRAGON!</font></strong></div>';

	echo '<div align="left"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">Start a new battle!</a></div>';		
} else {      
	// Show the attack form for another round
	showAttackForm($playerhealth, $cpuhealth, $playerweapons);
} else {
// Just show the attack form
showAttackForm($default_playerhealth, $default_cpuhealth, $playerweapons);


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