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try switching the sql statement to this...

$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$startid && jail !='21' order by level desc limit 30");

I think the where id= should be $startid. That way it increases by one each time and displays a different user.

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hi could you try this and see if it gives you an output?


$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where id < $startid order by level desc limit 15");

while ($mem = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) {









echo $stats1 . " " . $stats2 . " " . $stats3 . " " . $stats4 . " " . $stats5 . " " . $stats6 . " " . $ranks . "<br />";


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just above the break; and an echo statement.

	while ($mem = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) {
	if($startid = $endid){
	echo "end of list";
	break; //if $startid reaches the $endid it stops listing users

if it echos the statement you know that for some reason $startid and $endid are the same..

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well what I've got is:

$slctid = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$stat[id]");// selects the user that is viewing the page MUST BE DIFFERENT FROM $mem
$startid = $slctid - 15; // sets the starting user as 15 before the viewer
$endid = $slctid + 15; // ets the last user on the list as 15 after the viewer

$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$startid && jail !='21' order by level desc limit 30");
$ranka = 0;
while($mem = mysql_fetch_array($msel)){
	if($startid = $endid){
	echo "end";
	break; //if $startid reaches the $endid it stops listing users


echo $stats1 . " " . $stats2 . " " . $stats3 . " " . $stats4 . " " . $stats5 . " " . $stats6 . " " . $ranks . "<br />";

$startid++; //increments to the user id


what do you have?

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okay, just before the last echo I've added another echo, just to check if it's getting that far before it hits a problem..


echo "list here";
echo $stats1 . " " . $stats2 . " " . $stats3 . " " . $stats4 . " " . $stats5 . " " . $stats6 . " " . $ranks . "<br />";

$startid++; //increments to the user id




just wondering if perhaps changing the echo at the bottom would help.. just a long shot.

echo $mem['level'] . " " . $mem['max_hp'] . " " . $mem['wins'] . " " . $mem['exp'] . " " . $mem['knowledge'] . " " . $mem['losses'] . " " . $ranks . "<br />";


also perhaps you could try it without the '' around the stats variables as it seemed to be at least echoing something at that point..



just a couple of ideas

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try this:

$sql = "
                        jail != '21'
                ORDER BY
                        -15, 30

$query = mysql_query($sql) OR die($sql ."<br />\nCaused the folloing error: ". mysql_error());


see what that does.

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try this:

$sql = "
                        jail != '21'
                ORDER BY
                        -15, 30

$query = mysql_query($sql) OR die($sql ."<br />\nCaused the folloing error: ". mysql_error());


see what that does.


SELECT * FROM players WHERE jail != '21' ORDER BY level DESC LIMIT -15, 30
Caused the folloing error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-15, 30' at line 11

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