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Why doesn't this work?


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I am making a form which has 3 steps.. Between each step the data is saved in sessions. The problem i have is that it transfers from page 1 to page 2. However when i submit page 2 it doesn't execute the page 2 code.


I have have stripped out all the form checks etc as these have nothing to do with the problem


URL - create.php?page=2



<form action="create.php" method="post">
//Entry Fields
<input type="submit" name="submit2" value="Submit" />



$page = $_GET['page'];
if ($page == 2) {
if (isset($_POST['submit2'])) {		
                if (empty($_POST['create_company'])) {
		$create_company = "empty";
		$formerror == TRUE;
	} else {
		$createpagetwo[] = MakeSafe($_POST['create_company']);
	#Destroy Page 1 session, Create page 2 session

	if ($formerror == TRUE) {
		echo "Someting went wrong";
		$_SESSION['createpageone'] = $createpageone;
		$_SESSION['createpagetwo'] = $createpagetwo;
		$_SESSION['namecolumns'] = $namecolumns;
		$_SESSION['namevalues'] = $namevalues;	
		echo '
			<script type="text/javascript">
				window.location = "create.php?page=3;"
// $smarty->assign Stuff


Code within -"if ($page == 2) {"- actually works... however the -"if (isset($_POST['submit2'])) {"- simply isn't being picked up.


Any ideas?

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Hi Pirad

You are saying that you can get value from $_GET but not from $_POST.

There is nothing wrong with the above code which you mention. But i think you can try with $_REQUEST as it takes both $_GET adn $_POST.


Moreover you can dump your register global variables status by phpinfo. as registar_global must be on to use above variables.





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yes everything should work besides


echo '

<script type="text/javascript">


window.location = "create.php?page=3;"




try it the other way round


echo "

<script type'text/javascript'>


window.location = 'create.php?page=3';




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Ah, i found the problem, really my stupidity really and would rather not talk about it.


Could someone clear up what shaymol was saying about super globals?


I read an article on php.net but it just went straight over my head.


If its not too much trouble could someone highlight a superglobal that i am using and perhaps an alternative for it.


Thanks a lot.


Perad Out.

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