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I am setting up a member form for users.  When the person submits there information.  The database checks to make sure the record doesn't already exist - if it does, it should tell them it does and direct them to the login page.  If it doesn't exist, it should insert a record into the database.


My problem - it displays like it is putting the records into the table but when I display the table results - I get nothing.  It worked when I just had an insert statement but when I put that inside an if statement to satisfy the criteria I listed above - it seems to have stopped working.


Any suggestions?


Here is the code:




<title>Create Process</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />





/* Tracy Seeberger (00835940)


Module 4 - Assignment



//Escapes and enquotes variables

function clean($var){

    return trim(addslashes($var));


//Variable declaration


    $fname = clean($_POST['first_name']);

    $lname = clean($_POST['last_name']);

    $email = clean($_POST['email_address']);

    $pw = clean($_POST['password']);


// Connect to server and select databse.

$db=mysql_connect('monet.homeip.net','conn1','conn1') or die ("Cannot connect to server");

mysql_select_db('test',$db) or die ("Cannot select DB");


print "Connected to MySQL<br>";



if (!$_POST['email_address'] | !$_POST['password'] | !$_POST['first_name'] | !$_POST['last_name'])


die('You must complete all required fields.');



$usercheck = $_POST['email_address'];

$check = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM seebergerLogin where username = '$_POST[email_address]'")

or die(mysql_error());


if ($check != 0 )


$query="INSERT INTO seebergerLogin (username, password, first_name, last_name)VALUES ('$_POST[email_address]','$_POST[password]','$_POST[first_name]','$_POST[last_name]')";


$_POST[password] = md5($_POST[password]);


echo $fname;

echo ', your account has been created <br />';

echo "<html> <body> To Sign into your account <a href='loginsql.php'> Click Here!</a>";





echo $_POST['email_address'];

echo ("You are already registered");

echo "<html> <body> To Sign into your account <a href='loginsql.php'> Click Here!</a>";





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I honestly cant see the problem, your sql looks fine, as does the rest of your code.. but im curious why you are working with dirty $_POST Variables, after you have already placed and secured them(Assuming the CLEAN function does this) right here:


$fname = clean($_POST['first_name']);

$lname = clean($_POST['last_name']);

$email = clean($_POST['email_address']);

$pw = clean($_POST['password']);



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few problems there firstly...


$_POST[password] = md5($_POST[password]); # i have to go first
$query="INSERT INTO seebergerLogin (username, password, first_name, last_name)VALUES ('$_POST[email_address]','$_POST[password]','$_POST[first_name]','$_POST[last_name]')";

#and you forgot to query that ;-)

#also near the biginning...
$check=mysql_query("SELECT username FROM seebergerLogin where username = '$_POST[email_address]' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());

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lol, wow I didnt catch that at all,  ???


$query="INSERT INTO seebergerLogin (username, password, first_name, last_name)VALUES      ('$_POST[email_address]','$_POST[password]','$_POST[first_name]','$_POST[last_name]')";


$query is a bad var name for a mysql_query, it looks far too similar

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Try this!


/* Tracy Seeberger (00835940)
Module 4 - Assignment

//Escapes and enquotes variables
function clean($var){
    return trim(addslashes($var));
//Variable declaration

    $fname = clean($_POST['first_name']);
    $lname = clean($_POST['last_name']);
    $email = clean($_POST['email_address']);
    $pw = clean($_POST['password']);

     // Connect to server and select databse.
     $db=mysql_connect('monet.homeip.net','conn1','conn1') or die ("Cannot connect to server");
     mysql_select_db('test',$db) or die ("Cannot select DB");

     print "Connected to MySQL";

   if (!$_POST['email_address'] || !$_POST['password'] || !$_POST['first_name'] || !$_POST['last_name'])
         die('You must complete all required fields.');
      // check if username is unique  
      $check = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM seebergerLogin where username = '$_POST[email_address]'"); 
      if (!$check)
      return "Could not execute query". mysql_error();
      if (mysql_num_rows($check)>0) 
      return "That username is taken - go back and choose another one.";
      // if ok, put in db
  $_POST[password] = md5($_POST[password]);
  $query = "INSERT INTO seebergerLogin (username, password, first_name, last_name)

		mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); 

     if ($check != 0 )
       echo $fname;
       echo ', your account has been created ';
       echo "<html> <body> To Sign into your account <a href='loginsql.php'> Click Here![/url]";
      echo $_POST['email_address'];
      echo ("You are already registered");
      echo "<html> <body> To Sign into your account <a href='loginsql.php'> Click Here![/url]";


Not tested

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lol... personally... i completly skip that part... lol


$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO seebergerLogin (username, password, first_name, last_name)VALUES ('$_POST[email_address]','$_POST[password]','$_POST[first_name]','$_POST[last_name]')");


thats just me tho... no point in using non changing variables only once... lol

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You dont really want to be checking that $check isnt equal to zero.


if ($check != 0 )
      $query="INSERT INTO seebergerLogin (username, password, first_name, last_name)VALUES       ('$_POST[email_address]','$_POST[password]','$_POST[first_name]','$_POST[last_name]')";   
      $_POST[password] = md5($_POST[password]);
    echo $fname;
    echo ', your account has been created 
    echo "<html> <body> To Sign into your account <a href='loginsql.php'> Click Here![/url]";


Instead check it like this.


if (mysql_num_rows($check) > 0 )
      $query="INSERT INTO seebergerLogin (username, password, first_name, last_name)VALUES       ('$_POST[email_address]','$_POST[password]','$_POST[first_name]','$_POST[last_name]')";   
      $_POST[password] = md5($_POST[password]);
    echo $fname;
    echo ', your account has been created 
    echo "<html> <body> To Sign into your account <a href='loginsql.php'> Click Here![/url]";

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