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extract($_POST); and one other question


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hello im using


to save me time getting them but i want to know how it saves them if in my html forum its like

input name="username"

input name="password"


would that then be turned into $username and $password ?


also i would like to know how to make a error list so something like

if ($username == "") { $errors++ $errorlist .= "Username field is required.<br />"; }

would that work like add that error on to the end of the string so if there were more than one error it would just add them on eg


if ($username == "") { $errors++ $errorlist .= "Username field is required.<br />"; }

if ($password== "") { $errors++ $errorlist .= "password is required.<br />"; }

if ($errors > 0) { die("sorry there were the following errors <br /> $errorlist") }

lets say the user didn't enter anything in both of those fields the errorlist would be


Username field is required.

password is required.


would that work or would it just echo out


password is required.


not the other errors?


also how can i check if there is some not allowed chars in a password or a username say the letters "o /" was not allowed how can i check through and see if there are in if they are ad another error on


also one last thing while im at it what about seeing how long the user input is that is a loop correct?


thanks for your time...

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hello im using


to save me time getting them but i want to know how it saves them if in my html forum its like

input name="username"

input name="password"


would that then be turned into $username and $password ?


Yes, but it's a very insecure method. (Read up on "SQL injection")


As for the errorlist,


Initialise variables first.


$errors = 0;
$errorlist = '';


And you need ; after $errors++


if ($username == "") { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Username field is required.<br />"; }

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thanks very much could you tell me another better way of doing it??


p.s what about

"also how can i check if there is some not allowed chars in a password or a username say the letters "o /" was not allowed how can i check through and see if there are in if they are ad another error on


also one last thing while im at it what about seeing how long the user input is that is a loop correct?"

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You could check for illeagle characters/phrases with preg_replace.

$pattern = "/";
$replacement = "";
$newUsername = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $username);
if($username != $newUsername)
     $errorlist .= "Username Contains invalid characters!.<br />";


preg_replace will check the $username variable for a "/" if it finds any it will remove it and the new string will be set as the variable $newUsername so if you compare $username and $newUsername you will find that they are not the same so you will know that $username contained a character that is not valid.

I am sure that there is a better way to do this I just don't know how.  This is a verry crude method.




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i like to put my errors into an array and run through them with a foreach loop. as for $_POST, just build a sanitize function and run all the $_POST variables through it, and keep using $_POST['fieldname'] as your variable name. no need to rename variables.

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i like to put my errors into an array and run through them with a foreach loop. as for $_POST, just build a sanitize function and run all the $_POST variables through it, and keep using $_POST['fieldname'] as your variable name. no need to rename variables.

I do the same, only I run a simple implode with my errors.  I usually have my errors assigned to $errorList or something, and do:

if (count($errorList)) {
     $output = "<ul><li>" . implode("</li><li>", $errorList) . "</li></ul>";

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could i have some examples please im not so good with just words  :-[


ohh and is this ok??

if (preg_match("/[^A-z0-9_\-]/", $username)==1) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Username must be alphanumeric and contain no spaces.<br />"; }


is this any good for looking at emails?

if (! is_email($email1)) { $errors++; $errorlist .= "Email isn't valid.<br />"; }

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This will have the same effect as extract($_POST) except the data will be cleansed.



function sanitize ($item) 
    $item = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($item) : $item;
    return mysql_real_escape_string($item);

foreach ($_POST as $name => $value)
    $$name = sanitize ($value);

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I do the same, only I run a simple implode with my errors.  I usually have my errors assigned to $errorList or something, and do:

if (count($errorList)) {
     $output = "<ul><li>" . implode("</li><li>", $errorList) . "</li></ul>";


let me ask, when you write:



1. is the true/false value of that statement because count($errorList) would amount to zero, therefore be false? and if it's anything but zero, it's true?


2. what would the difference be if it was if(isset($errorList)){? what would return true and what would return false there?


i think i might adopt the bulleted list error display.

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yeh i had a look at those thanks ohh i do have one other question i need asap


how can i compare a string to something and if it dosent match it will ad something to the string untill it dose so like


a then b then c .. so on then it would be like aa ab ac ect including numbers

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how can i compare a string to something and if it dosent match it will ad something to the string untill it dose so like


a then b then c .. so on then it would be like aa ab ac ect including numbers


for future reference, start a new thread.


        $array = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g');
        if($something != $somethingElse){
                foreach($array as $val){ $something .= $val; }

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