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[SOLVED] Header error


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Hi All,


I have read the sections refering to the following error message

"Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by " and have tried to follow their suggestions.

The first part of the program returns the required data and populates the form, but after changes are made to the data and an attempt to process the form is made the error message is produced I believe from the start of the php code.

I am just learning both PHP and MySQL and am unsure how to proceed so any pointers would be helpful.





<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

<title>Update Programme Leader*</title>





// Connect database.


// ***** This part will process when you Click on "Submit" button *****

// Check, if you clicked "Submit" button


// Get parameters from form.












// Do update statement.

mysql_query("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");

// Re-direct this page to updateZX.php.




// ************* End update part *************


// *** Select data to show on text fields in form. ***


// Get id parameter (GET method) from updateZX.php



// Get records in all columns from table where column id equal in $id and put it in $result.

$result=mysql_query("select * from P_Leader where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");


// Split records in $result by table rows and put them in $row.



// Close database connection.







<!-- set this form to POST method and target this form to itself ($PHP_SELF;)-->

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<? echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">


<br />

UCAS Code :

<!-- name of this text field is "UCAS_Code" -->

<input name="UCAS_Code" type="text" id="UCAS_Code" value="<? echo $row['UCAS_Code']; ?>"/>

<br />

Title :

<!-- name of this text field is "CourseName" -->

<input name="CourseName" type="text" id="CourseName" value="<? echo $row['CourseName']; ?>"/>

<br />

Title :

<!-- name of this text field is "PLTitle" -->

<input name="PLTitle" type="text" id="PLTitle" value="<? echo $row['PLTitle']; ?>"/>

<br />

First Name :

<!-- name of this text field is "PLFirstName" -->

<input name="PLFirstName" type="text" id="PLFirstName" value="<? echo $row['PLFirstName']; ?>"/>

<br />

Name :

<!-- name of this text field is "PLSName" -->

<input name="PLSName" type="text" id="PLSName" value="<? echo $row['PLSName']; ?>"/>

<br />

email :

<!-- name of this text field is "PLemailAddress" -->

<input name="PLemailAddress" type="text" id="PLemailAddress" value="<? echo $row['PLemailAddress']; ?>"/>

<br />

Tel No :

<!-- name of this text field is "PLTelNo" -->

<input name="PLTelNo" type="text" id="PLTelNo" value="<? echo $row['PLTelNo']; ?>"/>

<br  />

Contract Start :

<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractStart" -->

<input name="PLContractStart" type="text" id="PLContractStart" value="<? echo $row['PLContractStart']; ?>"/>


<br  />

Contract End :

<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractEnd" -->

<input name="PLContractEnd" type="text" id="PLContractEnd" value="<? echo $row['PLContractEnd']; ?>"/>


<br  />

Active :

<!-- name of this text field is "PLActive" -->

<input name="PLActive" type="text" id="PLActive" value="<? echo $row['PLActive']; ?>"/>



<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />









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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

<title>Update Programme Leader*</title>





that should solve your problem

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You need to make sure that if you use the buffer, that it starts before any html content.  put ob_start at the very top of your page and make sure there are no spaces before the <?php.  Also try putting ob_end_flush(); at the very bottom of your page and make sure there are no spaces after the ?>. 


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Hi All,


I have made all the suggested changes to my code, and have checked for whitespace too.


Is there some software that can check for errors in white space that I can run my code through?


Otherwise I seem to be stuck with the same problem with the headers.




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try this

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Update Programme Leader*</title>
// Connect database.
// ***** This part will process when you Click on "Submit" button *****
// Check, if you clicked "Submit" button
// Get parameters from form.
// Do update statement.
@mysql_query("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");
// Re-direct this page to updateZX.php.
header("location: updateZX.php");
// ************* End update part *************

// *** Select data to show on text fields in form. ***

// Get id parameter (GET method) from updateZX.php

// Get records in all columns from table where column id equal in $id and put it in $result.
$result=mysql_query("select * from P_Leader where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");

// Split records in $result by table rows and put them in $row.


<!-- set this form to POST method and target this form to itself ($PHP_SELF;)-->
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">

UCAS Code :
<!-- name of this text field is "UCAS_Code" -->
<input name="UCAS_Code" type="text" id="UCAS_Code" value="<?php echo $row['UCAS_Code']; ?>"/>

Title :
<!-- name of this text field is "CourseName" -->
<input name="CourseName" type="text" id="CourseName" value="<?php echo $row['CourseName']; ?>"/>

Title :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLTitle" -->
<input name="PLTitle" type="text" id="PLTitle" value="<?php echo $row['PLTitle']; ?>"/>

First Name :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLFirstName" -->
<input name="PLFirstName" type="text" id="PLFirstName" value="<?php echo $row['PLFirstName']; ?>"/>

Name :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLSName" -->
<input name="PLSName" type="text" id="PLSName" value="<?php echo $row['PLSName']; ?>"/>

email :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLemailAddress" -->
<input name="PLemailAddress" type="text" id="PLemailAddress" value="<?php echo $row['PLemailAddress']; ?>"/>

Tel No :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLTelNo" -->
<input name="PLTelNo" type="text" id="PLTelNo" value="<?php echo $row['PLTelNo']; ?>"/>
<br  />
Contract Start :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractStart" -->
<input name="PLContractStart" type="text" id="PLContractStart" value="<?php echo $row['PLContractStart']; ?>"/>

<br  />
Contract End :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractEnd" -->
<input name="PLContractEnd" type="text" id="PLContractEnd" value="<?php echo $row['PLContractEnd']; ?>"/>

<br  />
Active :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLActive" -->
<input name="PLActive" type="text" id="PLActive" value="<?php echo $row['PLActive']; ?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


// Close database connection.





if this fails please comment out the ob_end_flush(); and ob_flush(); and post the errors

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Hi MadTechie,


Thanks  for the trouble you have gone to.

The programme does not now return the form details,


My error messageis now is


Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';' in line39





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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Update Programme Leader*</title>
// Connect database.
// ***** This part will process when you Click on "Submit" button *****
// Check, if you clicked "Submit" button
// Get parameters from form.
// Do update statement.
@mysql_query("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");
// Re-direct this page to updateZX.php.
header("location: updateZX.php");
// ************* End update part *************

// *** Select data to show on text fields in form. ***

// Get id parameter (GET method) from updateZX.php

// Get records in all columns from table where column id equal in $id and put it in $result.
$result=mysql_query("select * from P_Leader where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");

// Split records in $result by table rows and put them in $row.


<!-- set this form to POST method and target this form to itself ($PHP_SELF;)-->
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">

UCAS Code :
<!-- name of this text field is "UCAS_Code" -->
<input name="UCAS_Code" type="text" id="UCAS_Code" value="<?php echo $row['UCAS_Code']; ?>"/>

Title :
<!-- name of this text field is "CourseName" -->
<input name="CourseName" type="text" id="CourseName" value="<?php echo $row['CourseName']; ?>"/>

Title :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLTitle" -->
<input name="PLTitle" type="text" id="PLTitle" value="<?php echo $row['PLTitle']; ?>"/>

First Name :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLFirstName" -->
<input name="PLFirstName" type="text" id="PLFirstName" value="<?php echo $row['PLFirstName']; ?>"/>

Name :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLSName" -->
<input name="PLSName" type="text" id="PLSName" value="<?php echo $row['PLSName']; ?>"/>

email :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLemailAddress" -->
<input name="PLemailAddress" type="text" id="PLemailAddress" value="<?php echo $row['PLemailAddress']; ?>"/>

Tel No :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLTelNo" -->
<input name="PLTelNo" type="text" id="PLTelNo" value="<?php echo $row['PLTelNo']; ?>"/>
<br  />
Contract Start :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractStart" -->
<input name="PLContractStart" type="text" id="PLContractStart" value="<?php echo $row['PLContractStart']; ?>"/>

<br  />
Contract End :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractEnd" -->
<input name="PLContractEnd" type="text" id="PLContractEnd" value="<?php echo $row['PLContractEnd']; ?>"/>

<br  />
Active :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLActive" -->
<input name="PLActive" type="text" id="PLActive" value="<?php echo $row['PLActive']; ?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


// Close database connection.




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Hi MadTechie,


The program now returns the form details, without the line breaks. But does not process update details nor when commenting out "ob_start" and "ob_end_flush"

The same error message

"Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by " PLupdate1.php:8" "PLupdate1.php on line 31"




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of course, this should work!


i forgot to move a chunk down


PS that error message helped



// Connect database.
// ***** This part will process when you Click on "Submit" button *****
// Check, if you clicked "Submit" button
// Get parameters from form.
// Do update statement.
@mysql_query("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");
// Re-direct this page to updateZX.php.
header("location: updateZX.php");
// ************* End update part *************

// *** Select data to show on text fields in form. ***

// Get id parameter (GET method) from updateZX.php

// Get records in all columns from table where column id equal in $id and put it in $result.
$result=mysql_query("select * from P_Leader where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");

// Split records in $result by table rows and put them in $row.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Update Programme Leader*</title>

<!-- set this form to POST method and target this form to itself ($PHP_SELF;)-->
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">

UCAS Code :
<!-- name of this text field is "UCAS_Code" -->
<input name="UCAS_Code" type="text" id="UCAS_Code" value="<?php echo $row['UCAS_Code']; ?>"/>

Title :
<!-- name of this text field is "CourseName" -->
<input name="CourseName" type="text" id="CourseName" value="<?php echo $row['CourseName']; ?>"/>

Title :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLTitle" -->
<input name="PLTitle" type="text" id="PLTitle" value="<?php echo $row['PLTitle']; ?>"/>

First Name :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLFirstName" -->
<input name="PLFirstName" type="text" id="PLFirstName" value="<?php echo $row['PLFirstName']; ?>"/>

Name :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLSName" -->
<input name="PLSName" type="text" id="PLSName" value="<?php echo $row['PLSName']; ?>"/>

email :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLemailAddress" -->
<input name="PLemailAddress" type="text" id="PLemailAddress" value="<?php echo $row['PLemailAddress']; ?>"/>

Tel No :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLTelNo" -->
<input name="PLTelNo" type="text" id="PLTelNo" value="<?php echo $row['PLTelNo']; ?>"/>
<br  />
Contract Start :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractStart" -->
<input name="PLContractStart" type="text" id="PLContractStart" value="<?php echo $row['PLContractStart']; ?>"/>

<br  />
Contract End :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractEnd" -->
<input name="PLContractEnd" type="text" id="PLContractEnd" value="<?php echo $row['PLContractEnd']; ?>"/>

<br  />
Active :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLActive" -->
<input name="PLActive" type="text" id="PLActive" value="<?php echo $row['PLActive']; ?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


// Close database connection.




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ok this i think is the root of the problem..



for testing

comment out the





@mysql_query("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");
// Re-direct this page to updateZX.php.
header("location: updateZX.php");






$SQLq = "update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'";
mysql_query($SQLq) or die("query error: $SQLq<br>".mysql_error());
// Re-direct this page to updateZX.php.



and lets review the error,

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The program runs without error messages both with and without ob_start(); commented.

The form appears to be processed but returns a blank screen showing "PLupdate1.php" in the address window  against "PLupdate1.php?ID_Number=1029" which was showing before submit.

Refreshing the form page shows no change to the database record, nor does checking through PHPMyAdmin.




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was missing the ID_number



// Connect database.
// ***** This part will process when you Click on "Submit" button *****
// Check, if you clicked "Submit" button
// Get parameters from form.
// Do update statement.
@mysql_query("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");
// Re-direct this page to updateZX.php.
header("location: updateZX.php?ID_Number=$ID_Number");
// ************* End update part *************

// *** Select data to show on text fields in form. ***

// Get id parameter (GET method) from updateZX.php

// Get records in all columns from table where column id equal in $id and put it in $result.
$result=mysql_query("select * from P_Leader where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");

// Split records in $result by table rows and put them in $row.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Update Programme Leader*</title>

<!-- set this form to POST method and target this form to itself ($PHP_SELF;)-->
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>">
<input name="ID_Number" type="hidden" id="ID_Number" value="<?php echo $row['ID_Number']; ?>"/>

UCAS Code :
<!-- name of this text field is "UCAS_Code" -->
<input name="UCAS_Code" type="text" id="UCAS_Code" value="<?php echo $row['UCAS_Code']; ?>"/>

Title :
<!-- name of this text field is "CourseName" -->
<input name="CourseName" type="text" id="CourseName" value="<?php echo $row['CourseName']; ?>"/>

Title :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLTitle" -->
<input name="PLTitle" type="text" id="PLTitle" value="<?php echo $row['PLTitle']; ?>"/>

First Name :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLFirstName" -->
<input name="PLFirstName" type="text" id="PLFirstName" value="<?php echo $row['PLFirstName']; ?>"/>

Name :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLSName" -->
<input name="PLSName" type="text" id="PLSName" value="<?php echo $row['PLSName']; ?>"/>

email :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLemailAddress" -->
<input name="PLemailAddress" type="text" id="PLemailAddress" value="<?php echo $row['PLemailAddress']; ?>"/>

Tel No :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLTelNo" -->
<input name="PLTelNo" type="text" id="PLTelNo" value="<?php echo $row['PLTelNo']; ?>"/>
<br  />
Contract Start :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractStart" -->
<input name="PLContractStart" type="text" id="PLContractStart" value="<?php echo $row['PLContractStart']; ?>"/>

<br  />
Contract End :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLContractEnd" -->
<input name="PLContractEnd" type="text" id="PLContractEnd" value="<?php echo $row['PLContractEnd']; ?>"/>

<br  />
Active :
<!-- name of this text field is "PLActive" -->
<input name="PLActive" type="text" id="PLActive" value="<?php echo $row['PLActive']; ?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


// Close database connection.




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can you add this

// Do update statement.

@mysql_query("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");


die("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseName', PLTitle='$PLTitle', PLFirstName='$PLFirstName', PLName='$PLName', PLemailAddress='$PLemailAddress', PLTelNo='$PLTelNo', PLContractStart='$PLContractStart', PLContractEnd='$ContractEnd', PLActive='$PLActive' where ID_Number='$ID_Number'");

// Re-direct this page to updateZX.php.


header("location: updateZX.php?ID_Number=$ID_Number");



comment out the ob_start();


it should display update P_.......


paste that into SQL in the phpMyAdmin, and let me know the results

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I get the following error from MyAdmin


#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@mysql_query("update P_Leader set UCAS_Code='$UCAS_Code', CourseName='$CourseNam' at line 1



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Thank you very much MadTechie, the MySQL query pointed out to a typo in one of my fields in the database.

On correcting the error everything works like clockwork.

I have learnt a vast amount in the last few hours about how to find errors from you. Again thanks very much for all the time and trouble to resolve my stupid mistake.




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