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ASP Classic: Firefox works fine, IE loads cache of some sort?


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Hey guys,


I'm setting up a page similar to google calendar's share calendar feature where you can add a list of users.  When I add a person, it submits a POST request to an asp (classic 3.0) page which then sends the data over to a SQL 2005 database.  Next, the JavaScript code sends a POST request to get the newly submitted data, generated in JSON.  In Firefox, everything is perfect.  But in IE, it always loads the previous data.  Even if I enter a value using Firefox, then enter a new one in IE, it still loads the old value, even 10 seconds after the previous submission.  Once I submit again, it then loads the proper values.  I'm using the prototype.js library to perform all the AJAX requests.  I've spent so long trying to fix this  :(.


When one types in the name and e-mail and hit the add button, it calls this script:


function addPerson(theForm)
person = theForm1.newAccessPerson.value;
person = trim(person);
address = trim(theForm1.newAccessPersonEmail.value);
if (person == null || person == '' || address == null || address == '')
else {
new Ajax.Request('signup.asp?group=65535&id=1&option=addnewperson', {
  parameters: $(theForm).serialize(true)

Next it adds to the database but I don't think I need to post that, so after that I send a request to get the new data with this function:


function getNewPerson(opt)
  new Ajax.Request('signup.asp?group=65535&id=1&option=' + opt,
    onSuccess: function(transport){
		var response = null;
      response = transport.responseText || "no response text";
    onFailure: function(){ return('Something went wrong...') }


Here's how the ASP page where the request is generated:


    sub json()
      pStr = "private, no-cache, must-revalidate" 
      Response.ExpiresAbsolute = #2000-01-01# 
      Response.AddHeader "pragma", "no-cache" 
      Response.AddHeader "cache-control", pStr 
      Response.Write("{""id"":""" & rs_RecordSet("ID") & """,""name"":"""& rs_RecordSet("Name") & """,""email"":""" & rs_RecordSet("EmailAddress") & """}")
    end sub



And finally, add the person to the table:

var person = null
person = html.evalJSON();

var x=document.getElementById('svalues').insertRow(0);
  var namecell=x.insertCell(0);
  var emailcell=x.insertCell(1);
var deletecell=x.insertCell(2);
deletecell.innerHTML='<a href=\"javascript:deletePerson(\'' + person.id + '\')\"><img width=\"9\" height=\"10\" src=\"images/icon_delete.gif\" style=\"width: 9px; height: 10px;\"/></a>';



This happens in both versions 6 and 7.  Thanks in advance

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I tried it out today and the same exact thing is happening  :-[.  Could prototype not be compatible with IE completely?


var randnumber = Math.random(10);
var url = "/signup.asp?option=" + opt + "&randomnumber=" + randnumber;
new Ajax.Request(url,
    onSuccess: function(transport){
		var response = null;
      response = transport.responseText || "no response text";
    onFailure: function(){ return('Something went wrong...') }

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