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PHP files won't run, but try to download

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I am trying to set up PHP with Apache, and I can not get the installation to work properly.


I am using an html form page from the Apache root using <http://localhost/ simpleform.html>, to call a PHP script (see below), but instead of executing the script, it prompts me to download the file. If I download the file, I get the entire PHP script file, exactly as it is. Running the PHP file from an html file, and getting the download dialog, if I choose “open” the dialog box goes away, and the PHP file does nothing.


When I execute this PHP file directly, by itself from the root using http://localhost/send_simpleform.php, it seems to work properly.  All other PHP files also work properly using the same direct method.


I have tried a variety of other sample html files using PHP scripts, all with the same results, so I do not think the problem is with the actual code, but with the set-up.


I have uninstalled and re-installed both Apache and PHP several times, using different installation parameters, all with the same results.


I am using the latest version of Apache 2.2, and PHP version 5.2.1, on Windows XP-SP2, set up as a localhost only to be used for developing the html/PHP code.


Any ideas how to get this to work?


Details ---------------------------


I have installed PHP manually, after Apache using the typical instructions posted on the PHP website, and modified the Apache configuration httpd.conf file as follows:


LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


# configure the path to php.ini

PHPIniDir "C:/php"


I am using the example from the book I am learning with as follows:


HTML code for simpleform.html

<title>A simple HTML form</title>
<form action="send_simpleform.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="user"></p>
<textarea name="message" rows="5" cols="40"/></textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="send"/></p>


PHP File send_simpleform.php

echo "<p>Welcome <b>".$_POST["user"]."</b>!</p>";
echo "<p>Your message is:<br/><b>".$_POST["message"]."</b></p>";

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