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some errors


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Hello. I dont understand much (none) of PHP, and i downloaded a pre-made website, so i could create a registration page (and use their template etc.). But when i hosted it, i got the following errors:

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/common.php on line 39

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152


here is the line 152:

 $result = mysql_query($queryMain[0], $this->link);


and here the line 39:

foreach($rows as $r){


If you need previous lines, tell me


Thank you for your help, and for putting up to a noob



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thanks, that eliminated most of the errors, but i have this one:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 153


here is the line 152 and 153:

  $result = mysql_query($queryMain[0]
        if ($result === false) return $this->_setDbError($queryMain[0]);


again, thank you for your help



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i think that now this next errors are from the host are they not?

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'onloanet'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'onloanet'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/common.php on line 39

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'onloanet'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/core/dbsimple/Mysql.php on line 152


i have attached the Mysql file, so if you want, you can check the other lines


[attachment deleted by admin]

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$config = array(
'template'       => 'offlike',
'default_lang'   => 'en',        // Default lang // Don't change
'lang'           => 'en',        // Site Default lang
'db_type'        => 'mysql',
'db_host'        => 'pirate-key.no.ip.org',
'db_port'        => '3306',
'db_username'    => 'Keytachi',
'db_password'    => 'pass',
'db_name'        => 'Pirates_Key',
'db_encoding'    => 'utf8'     // don't change

$news_forum_id = 0;            // forum id for "news"
$bugs_forum_id = 0;            // forum id for "bugtracker"

$templates = array('offlike');


here is the config.php file... in the db_host im supposed to type in my exteranl adress right? in the db_name i used the name i see in the navicat connection...


the odd thing is that, after i added the final "s" in "Pirates" i got the following error:

Warning: main(config.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/index.php on line 23


i went to index.php changed the directory of 'config.php' to '/home2/onloanet/public_html/www/pirate-key/config.php' and then i got the error back

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