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Hellow php freaks i came here because i have a lot of issues in my forums... (i dont knwo if i can put the link, if i cant, plz remove it, sorry) www.jevrad.org/foro i have like 100 or more users that are posting pure spam, and spam i mean links to porn pages, images, videos, etc... and drugs and tons of stuff that i dont want in my forums, i CAN delete them all but one by one, i need like 1 week or more to delete all... so there is some another way that i can delete them all? i dont want to delete all user names because the users that really use the forum will be angry or upset if i make that... so i only want to delete that spammers...


ohh and another thin, there is some mod that can put the confirmation image like here? (the last admin leave me the forums to me hehe so im little new on this about mods and that stuff... :()


Cya and thnx!




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I believe your messages are held in MySQL?


Simply figure out who is spamming, then


Select * from table where userid=whoever


not you have no message from  the abuser.


I know that is over simplified


I think you can validate users with that bullitinboard, but I would


changing to SMF (Simple Machines Forum)


It has lots of cool addons as well and you can do everything and more than what you are doing now.

do the image thing now for new users/new posts/



Also can record their IP for the post if system doesnt already,


then when u find out which IP was posting the bad posts,

put that IP for a week in a ban users table.

Then on the 'new post' page, redirects to a 'Sorry posting from this computer not allowed because of spammers' if it matches the IP stored in that table. if not, serve that webpage as usual.

they aren't just bots, i have a couple of phpBB forums (fora?) as well, and i've installed as many security measures as possible, and still get bogus registrations that post spam crap. the only thing i can suggest is installing the admin userlist mod (http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=117359)  - it lets you quickly and easily delete/ban/modify users that spam. just make sure to delete their posts first, otherwise the forum gets confused.

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