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[SOLVED] Image Gallery


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I have a simple page that takes url to images from MySQL and displays them, its basicaly something like:

<?php foreach($photos as $x) { ?>
<img src="<?php print($x['url']); ?>"> 
<?php } ?>


Now I want to add a link next to each photo so that when someone clicks on it it will take them to a new page with just thet one photo.


How can I do this?

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update for DaveEverFades code

<?php foreach($photos as $x) { ?>
<img src="<?php print($x['url']); ?>"> 
</img><a href="<?php print($x['url']); ?>" target='_blank' >Link text</a>
<?php } ?>




foreach($photos as $x)
echo "<img src='{$x['url']}'></img><a href='{$x['url']}' target='_blank' >Link text</a>";



EDIT: missed the _ ;)

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here an easer way sorry but might have errors but your get the idear ok.



<?php foreach($photos as $x) { ?>

<?php echo"<a href='new_pic.php?cmd=".$x['url']." '>?>

<img src="<?php print($x['url']); ?>"> 


<?php } ?>




echo"<img src='".$_GET['cmd']."'> </img>";

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foreach($photos as $x)
echo "<img src='{$x['url']}'></img><a href='page2.php?image={$x['url']}' target='_blank' >Link text</a>";




echo "hello<br>";
echo "<img src='{$_GET['image']}'></img>";
echo "world<br>";

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Sorry i done it to quick but here my version ok.




//build an array off pictures and the folder exstention.


// get the pictures from the array.

foreach($pic as $x){

// echo a link to a new page to show the picture the user press on.

echo"<center><a href='new_pic.php?cmd=".$x."'><img src='$x'></img></a><br><br></center>";




place the img src tag anywere it needs to be displayed.




// show picture from the url using the $_GET statement.
echo "<img src='".$_GET['cmd']."'>";


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Also this is kind off-topic, but I found a script that places a watermark on top of the picture:

// 'watermark' in the upper left of an image 
$my_text = 'watermark';

// open image and lay white text on it..
$img = imagecreatefromgif ('testpic.gif');
$white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); // white
imagestring($img, 4, 6, 3, $my_text, $white); // size 4 built-in font

// send the image
//header("Content-type: image/jpeg");



So what link should be used in the:

$img = imagecreatefromgif (????);


also how can I distinguish if it is a jpg, gif, png... ?

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well firstly you it would be better if you have a folder with you images in and hold the image filename,


as for the script try this



// 'watermark' in the upper left of an image 
$my_text = 'watermark';

// open image and lay white text on it..
$img = imagecreatefromgif ('testpic.gif');
$white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); // white
imagestring($img, 4, 6, 3, $my_text, $white); // size 4 built-in font

// send the image
header("Content-type: image/gif");



change page2.php to image.php in my previous script,


to get the filetype you can just get the last 3 characters (won't work on renamed files ie test.gif to test.jpg)


for jpeg use imagecreatefromjpeg and imagejpeg


a switch to break them into groups would be best

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