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[SOLVED] Function tidy-up


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Hi All,


I'm just updating a function of mine but there are a few problems I'd like to clear.  First the code then I'l point out the issues.


// Checks if $arr1 has anything extra than $arr2 then writes those diffrences
// to $tbl at the given location
function updateDiff($arr1, $arr2, $tbl, $col, $val, $optionalCol, $optionalVal) {

if (!empty($diff)) {
	$colvals = "";

	foreach ($diff as $k => $v) {
		if (is_int($v)) {
			$colvals .= $k . " = $v, ";
		} else {
			$colvals .= $k . " = '" . $v . "', ";


	$colvals = substr($colvals, 0, -2);
	$sql = "UPDATE $tbl SET " . $colvals . " WHERE $col = '" . $val . "'";

	if (isset($optionalCol)) {
		$sql .= " AND $optionalCol = '" . $optionalVal . "'";

	mssql_query($sql) or trigger_error("Failed to Update $tbl where $col = $val!", E_USER_ERROR);

	$keys = array_keys($diff);
\\-- Think I need a foreach() here!
	$keys = implode(', ', $keys);
	$old = implode(', ', $arr1);
	$new = implode(', ', $diff);

	$msgType = 3;
	$userId = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
	$msg = "Changed $old data was updated with this $new data";
	$qry = "SELECT * FROM $tbl WHERE $col = '" . $val . "'";

	if (isset($optionalCol)) {
		 $qry .= " AND $optionalCol = '" . $optionalVal . "'";

	$msgcols = "(msgType, userId, msg, qry)";
	$msgvals = "(3, \'" . $userId . "\', \'" . $msg . "\', \'" . $qry . "\')";

	$sql = "INSERT INTO msgLog $msgcols VALUES $msgvals";
	mssql_query($sql) or trigger_error("Failed to Log Confirmation Message", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
	trigger_error("Nothing to change", E_USER_NOTICE);


First of all in the supplied arguments for the func, is there a way of specifying the them to be optional for instance like with [] but I tried that already, and I know the func will work anyway so isn't too important.


Second, where I put the comment for a foreach() I'd like to change my $msg to read :

"Changed $keys in original row from $oldvals to $newvals"

Now I have $keys and $newvals but to get $oldvals I need to extract just the keys from $arr2 that are in $diff and put the values into a string in the same format,  I'm a bit stuck on how to go about that.


Lastly, I want to store a query in my table, but it doesn't like the syntax, can anyone tell me the correct way to do it,  thanks for your help.

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OK I solved my second problem which I thought would be the hardest by using array_intersect_keys()


So that section now looks like so :



$keys = array_keys($diff);
$keys = implode(', ', $keys);
$keys = substr($keys, 0, -2);
$old = array_intersect_key($arr1, $diff);
$old = implode(', ', $old);
$new = implode(', ', $diff);

$msgType = 3;
$userId = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
$msg = "Changed $keys from : $old to : $new where $col = $val in $tbl";
echo $msg . "<br>";



Any updates on the other issues?

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OK I got around the other two errors.


For the optional arguments within the func spec i added = false.  Like so :

function test($foo, $bar = FALSE) {
    echo $foo . $bar;


second error, I now use my predefined database functions and store the parameters in a csv string in the database like so :

$msgType = 3;
$userId = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
$msg = "Changed $old data was updated with this $new data";
$qryParams = "SELECT_ALL,$tbl,$col,$val,";

if (isset($optionalCol)) {
 $qry .= ",$optionalCol,$optionalVal";

$msgcols = "(msgType, userId, msg, qry)";
$msgvals = "(3, '" . $userId . "', '" . $msg . "', '" . $qry . "')";

$sql = "INSERT INTO msgLog $msgcols VALUES $msgvals";


Then to call it I just use :

if(preg_match("SELECT_ALL", $qryParams) {
    $this->select($tbl, $col, $val);


Although I still thinks thats a bit messy if some one can see a clearer case still I'd be glad.



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