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Finding out which match shows up first


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Say i have a paragraph.

I am searching for either a " or ' or /*


I have to use it with strpos().

So i'm doing this:


$find = ' /* ';
$bpos = strpos($paragraph, $find);

if($bpos !== false) {
   echo "found $find at position: $bpos";


What i'd like to do is something like this:

$find = array("\*", "'", "\"");
$bpos = strpos($paragraph, $find);

if($bpos !== false) {
   echo "found $find at position: $bpos";




Pretty much find any of the $find elements. without a loop though. i can't do this:

$paragraph = "hello /* world // comment here whatever";
$find = array("/*", "//");

$size = count($find);

for($i = 0; $i <= $size; $i++) {
$bpos = strpos($paragraph, $find[$i]);

if($bpos !== false) {
echo "found $find[$i] at position: $bpos <br />";



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Ok this was a failure.

Then here's a maybe simpler/easier question:


How can i make strpos() conitunue looking?


for example:


$text = "once @ upon a @ time";

$bpos = strpos($text, '@');
if($bpos !== FALSE) {
echo "Found @ at position: $bpos";



Found @ at position: 5


I know strpos() returns the first occurance, but is there a way to make it continue looking for all occurances?

maybe i could use a while loop to search until it reaches the end of the line?!

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Ok i made a recursive function, like so:


function test($text, $pos) {

$pos = strpos($text, '@', $pos+1);
if($pos !== FALSE) {
	echo "Found @ at position: $pos <br />";
	test($text, $pos);

test($text, -1);


But i don't like this method. if anyone know of a better one, please share

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not sure if it'd let you do this... but i think it'd work...

function test($text){
while($pos=strpos($text, '@', $offset)!==false){
return $out;


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Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in D:\sites\del2.php on line 15


line 15:

while($pos=strpos($text, '@', $offset)!==false){




anyways, what about the original post?


I'm gonna give another example, maybe it wasnt explained too well.



I'm making a syntax hilighter and, im searching for Strings, Comments and Keywords.


So say i have this, for example:

$kw = "function";

$comment = "/*"

$comment_close = '*/';

$string = '"';



Now, i need to search the code for whatever comes first, so i can decide which action to perform.


So say it finds a comment (/*). then i can Start the hiliting there and skip searching for a $kw or string until $comment_close is found.


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Almost as if i was trying to do this:




$pos = strpos($text, '/* OR " OR function OR # OR //');



Or maybe it can be done with regular expressions? like

preg_match($pattern, $subject);

where $pattern could be /* or # or '

can a pattern be that? instead of a pattern being "#" it would be "# or //" ?

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