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[SOLVED] Array returned from mysql_fetch_array...


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Hello everyone :)


I am trying to figure out how to access the array returned from this function using the incremental approach ($i)... however $array[column][$i] doesn't seem to work... it just returns the first letter of that column's entry.


I can't use the standard while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) for what I am doing: say that loop runs 6 times. I am filling a table with 10 cells always - pulling the remaining cells from a completely different query. Right now, my table is being constructed with only 6 cells :( SO I want to have a FOR loop, and then use that $i to get what I need from both queries.


Anyway, all I am looking for is a description of the array returned, and how to access each column, and each row using increments.




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Of course, I apologize for giving barely any info lol.


Array ( [0] => 1 [id] => 1 [1] => jeantest [productcode] => jeantest [2] => True Religion [brand] => True Religion [3] => Micky Big T [style] => Micky Big T [4] => Denim [category] => Denim [5] => Wild Bill [colour] => Wild Bill [6] => 200 [cost] => 200 [7] => 300 [retail] => 300 [8] => 250 [sale] => 250 [9] => 0 [green] => 0 )

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I guess I am having an understanding-block. I thought I could just ask one question and magically I would figure it all out haha. However, I now see that I need more help, so I will share my entire problem.


Okay, so I am having a loop build the following table:




The cyan cells are filled with content from the main loop, while the red cell is the "Feature Item" and pulled from a different query.


The code for the table loop is:


function showGrid($feature)

$featureresult = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matrix WHERE productcode = '$feature' LIMIT 1");
$featureItem = mysql_fetch_array($featureresult);

$otherresult = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matrix WHERE productcode != '$feature' ORDER BY rand()");
$otherItems = mysql_fetch_array($otherresult);

<table border="1">
$int = 0;
while($otherItems = mysql_fetch_array($otherresult))  /////// this is where the problem is!!!
		echo "<td rowspan='2' colspan='2' width='250' height='304' align='center'>" . $featureItem[brand] ."</td></tr><tr>";
		echo "<td width='125' height='152' align='center'>" . $otherItems[brand] ."</td></tr>";
		echo "<td width='125' height='152' align='center'>" . $otherItems[brand] ."</td>";
	if($int%4 == 1)
		echo "<tr>";

	echo "<td width='125' height='152' align='center'>" . $otherItems[brand] ."</td>";

	if($int%4 == 0)
		echo "</tr>";
} //end function SHOWGRID


Okay, so as you can see above, the table loop is BASED off the results from the OTHER (non-feature) items. However, if there are only 3 items on this page, 2 non-feature, 1 feature... the table will only create 2 cells (because it will never reach the third iteration of the loop).


I would LIKE to convert that while statement to

for($i=0; $i < $num; $i++)


where $num = mysql_num_rows($otherresult) + 1; (to include the feature).


So that is why I wanted to use the incremental approach for my array...


Any better ideas?



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i still think i am missing something!!

<?php //<---Added*********************
function showGrid($feature)

$featureresult = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matrix WHERE productcode = '$feature' LIMIT 1");
$featureItem = mysql_fetch_array($featureresult);

$otherresult = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM matrix WHERE productcode != '$feature' ORDER BY rand()");
$otherItems = mysql_fetch_array($otherresult);

<table border="1">
$int = 0;

//CHANGED BELOW*********************
$num = mysql_num_rows($otherresult) + 1; //(to include the feature).
for($i=0; $i < $num; $i++)
//while($otherItems = mysql_fetch_array($otherresult))  /////// this is where the problem is!!!
//CHANGED ABOVE*********************
$otherItems = mysql_fetch_array($otherresult);
		echo "<td rowspan='2' colspan='2' width='250' height='304' align='center'>" . $featureItem[brand] ."</td></tr><tr>";
		echo "<td width='125' height='152' align='center'>" . $otherItems[brand] ."</td></tr>";
		echo "<td width='125' height='152' align='center'>" . $otherItems[brand] ."</td>";
	if($int%4 == 1)
		echo "<tr>";

	echo "<td width='125' height='152' align='center'>" . $otherItems[brand] ."</td>";

	if($int%4 == 0)
		echo "</tr>";
} //end function SHOWGRID

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That works just perfectly thank you!


I guess what I learned here today is that everytime $otherItems = mysql_fetch_array($otherresult);  is called, it advances to the next row, is that correct?


I was thinking that no matter how many times you call that, it would fetch the exact same array that the original result came up with :)

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