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Web Referring


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Hi i am new and thank you for the community. I have problem with clients checking the referring websites from the traffic i am sending them so i put this code on a buffer page and they are still able to see the page before here is the code i used:


header("location: http://www.NoseyClient.com");



I was hoping that this would show them the Referring URL i wanted them see but it skipped my PHP buffer page is there a way in PHP to block Referring URL from the Client?


Best Regards and Thank You

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I am not sure what exactly you are trying to do.




That might help you can specify your own refering page using that.


What is Happening i'm getting Traffic from different sources that i send to clients its been brought to my attention that they can see where the traffic is coming from i dont want them to see that so here is a example:


Traffic -> Buffer Page -> Clients Form. Problem is i want the Buffer page to be Referring URL and its not on there records they are seeing

Traffic as Referring URL and not the PHP Forward go between page. I want them to see the Buffer Page as the Referring URL is this possible?

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since headers are sent from the browser, and headers are what hold that information... instead of using header(Location: ); you'd need to either use a javascript redirect, or a meta redirect, which then resends the header, setting the buffer page, to the referrer :D

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ya they can :-) just ?><meta><? or echo it... :-)


php only alters, manipulates and creates strings(arrays and integers)... basically with .html files... what you put in, is a static string... sent to the browser the same every time... with .php files... it builds that string, then sends it to the browser... so any/all html(even js) will work within a php string...

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