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Dynamic content on my index.php


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I'm currently using an index.php that displays the title, menu etc. and grabs a string from the address (/index.php&content=*blah*) to get the content for the page externally using include. (I don't have the code with me at the moment, I forgot it at home)

It works similarly to this:

$content = $_get["content"] . ".htm"

The syntax is probably wrong there but thats not my issue. It works fine, but the menu I have is flash and whenever I click a link on it the whole page has to reload and the flash has to reload and it flashes (no pun intended) white. I realize this isn't really a php problem per se, but I figure you guys can help anyway, maybe theres a better way to dynamically load the content in the page without having to reload all the other stuff? Before I decided to go with php I was using javascript to dynamically change the src attribute to an iframe, but the iframe height can't very easily be calculated and changed dynamically...

So, yeah, responses appreciated and all that ;)

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only 1 of loading pages, without changing pages... ajax...


p.s. thats a VERY unsecure way of doing it

Hm, I don't know why ajax didn't occur to me but I'll look into it...

And by very insecure you mean...?

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If you still want to do it like that, you can do:


$content = $_GET['content'];
//$content = mysql_real_escape_string($content);
//only if you're pre-connecting to a database
$content_new = "$content.htm";

include "$content_new";
}else {
echo "This file does not exist";

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I'm not understanding what you're doing here... checking to see if the content loaded is already loaded? I already have an if statement that checks to see if the file is there, and redirects if its not.

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Yeah, like I said, I didn't have the original code with me at the moment.

But actually I do now:

$content = $_GET["content"];
if (strlen($content) == 0){
header ("Location: index.php?content=intro");
} elseif (!file_exists($content . ".htm")){
$content = "error";
include($content . ".htm");

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