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A simple php echo question


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Which one is the best :

echo ("My name is $name");

echo "My name is $name";

echo "My name is ".$name."";    i use this ! but is it better than the previous one? Is it necessary to concatenate?

echo ("My name is ".$name."");

echo "My name is "; echo $name;


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Either one works, but the best all depends on your style.


Personally my favorite would be this:


echo "My name is " . $name;


strictly because that way I know no funny business will happen to my variables. That is just how I do it.

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honestly... its really down to personal preference...

personally... i template everything... so all my stuff is stored in strings, untill it hits the template.php in which is 99% html code... where i <?=$var?>

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honestly... its really down to personal preference...

personally... i template everything... so all my stuff is stored in strings, untill it hits the template.php in which is 99% html code... where i <?=$var?>


What does it do?


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honestly... its really down to personal preference...

personally... i template everything... so all my stuff is stored in strings, untill it hits the template.php in which is 99% html code... where i <?=$var?>


What does it do?



Nothing anymore it has been depreciated. Best practice is to use this:


<title><?php print $var; ?></title>


Essentially what it used to do was just print a variable to the string, but some issues arose with that so they made that functionality depreciated as of 4.4 I believe not sure.


Anyhow if you plan on upgrading php anytime soon that will break anyscripts that use that methodology.

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honestly... its really down to personal preference...

personally... i template everything... so all my stuff is stored in strings, untill it hits the template.php in which is 99% html code... where i <?=$var?>


What does it do?



Nothing anymore it has been depreciated. Best practice is to use this:


<title><?php print $var; ?></title>


Essentially what it used to do was just print a variable to the string, but some issues arose with that so they made that functionality depreciated as of 4.4 I believe not sure.


Anyhow if you plan on upgrading php anytime soon that will break anyscripts that use that methodology.


What type of issues arosed?

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i've ran php 4.x, 5, 5.2, and have yet to find one where <?=$var?> doesnt work... besides... most of other php upgrades have been backwards compatable... i dont see why they'd cut this... maybe its not cool enough... lol

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