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okay how do i split say, i have this:

blah,blah, blah,blah,blah, blah, blah, blah


spaces and non spaces included, what im asking is how would i turn this and make each one of those a link to search the item in between the , and then link it to like page.php?search=blah, kinda like facebook does it, i know the search part but the array part is a blank to me, any help would be appreciated

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$search = "some,string,word,seperated,by,a,comma";
$search = explode(",", $search);

foreach ($search as $term) {
    echo '<a href="page.php?search=' . $term . '>Search for ' . $term . '</a><br />';




edit had explode function params backwards, it is now correct.


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$search = "some,string,word,seperated,by,a,comma";
$search = explode(",", $search);

foreach ($search as $term) {
    echo '<a href="page.php?search=' . $term . '>Search for ' . $term . '</a><br />';


There's a missing " between ' and >Search


should be ' . $term . ' " >Search


Also...if you want those spaces removed, tray adding trim() to the $term variable in the link quote trim($term)

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what if i made split it to get the first one then use the 2nd half to return foreach with a comma in front?


What? Instead of giving some generic example such as "blah,blah,blah" why don't you give a realistic example of the data you expect and how you want to deal with it. You could simply convert the string to an array and "shift" the first element off the array. Then you would ahve the first element in a variable and the rest in an array.

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they way im talking about it is like this:

[linkforsearch]blah[/endlink], [linkforsearch]blah[/endlink], [linkforsearch]blah[/endlink], [linkforsearch]blah[/endlink]

like that

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That was already addressed before in this thread. You should just use the comma as a separator and then use trim on the resulting value.



//Convert string to array
$searchStr = "some,string,word,seperated,by,a,comma";
$searchAry = explode(",", $searchStr);

//Clean the values in the array using trim
foreach ($searchAry as $term) {
    echo '<a href="page.php?search=' . trim($term) . '">Search for ' . trim($term) . '</a><br />';

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thats not exactly what im looking to do; on this site, when you input say....


blah blah, blah blah blah, blah,blah blah,blah


in a textarea, then after its posted and saved the database when someone retrieves it, it looks like <a href="search.php?s=$blah">$blah</a> then commas to seperate

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okay say i want to list some interests like:



php, css,html, vb6 programming



then return those into links and make them proper

making it turn into


<a href="search.php?s=$TERM">$TERM</a> then adding a comma at the end, but making it turn out like this:


php, css, html, vb6 programming

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$string = "php, css,html, vb6 programming";
$pieces = explode(",", $string);

foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
$piece = trim($piece);
echo "<a href=\"search.php?s=$piece\">$piece</a><br />";



There :)[/code]

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$string = 'php, css,html, vb6 programming';
$string = str_replace(', ', ',', $string);
$string = str_replace(',', ', ', $string);

echo '<a href="search.php?s=' . $string . '">' . $string . '</a>';


Like that?

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Well as far as I am concerned you have more than enough information in this topic alone to do what you want. Take bits and peices and manipulate it to what you want. Now it is getting ridiculous.


Sometimes coding on your own is a good thing.

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I believe he wants the values in a single string to store int he database. Also you will need to urlencode the values for the links:



//Convert string to array
$searchStr = "php, css,html, vb6 programming";
$searchAry = explode(",", $searchStr);

//Change the array values to links
foreach ($searchAry as $key => $term) {
  $searchAry[$key] = '<a href="page.php?search=' . rawurlencode(trim($term)) . '">' . trim($term) . "</a>";

//Create a new string containing all the links comma separated
$searchStr = implode(", ", $searchAry);

echo $searchStr

//<a href="page.php?search=php">php</a>, <a href="page.php?search=css">css</a>,
//<a href="page.php?search=html">html</a>, <a href="page.php?search=vb6%20programming">vb6 programming</a>



EDIT: By the way, if you had taken a little time int he beginning to clearly explain the problem this post would not have gone to 2 pages.

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ah thank you this is exactly what i was looking for.



and i did

what im asking is how would i turn this and make each one of those a link to search the item in between the , and then link it to like page.php?search=blah, kinda like facebook does it, i know the search part but the array part is a blank to me, any help would be appreciated

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Just be glad mjdamato has an extremely rare sense of making sense out of something that makes no sense.


It would of been better stated like this:


I am looking for something on how to take an array of search terms that are seperated by a , and making each search term into a link and than displaying it as it was originally presented IE: a termlink, othertermlink, finaltermlink  format.


Because what I gathered from that statement is you wanted to make an array of search terms, not that you wanted to make them display after turning them into a link the same way they originally were posted.


How to ask the right question can be imparitive to getting the correct answer the first time =)


Nice job on the decryption mjdamato!

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