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I've recently been working on a website thumbnails program i'm developing for linux and have got the program to work without any errors as far as capturing the thumbnail and displaying it but i really need help with creating a queue program to log the http requests as they come in, have seen it done with ajax but i want to create a simpler version of a queue using php and a textfile, queue.txt, with read, write access that would display time left, order in queue, please help this website thumbnails program is going to be completely free of charge forever just need a queue to handle the load, the program only successfuly captures one thumbnail at a time but if thumbnail is cached it will display without error, even if 1000 people call the program! thanks for any advice and help.


heres a dumb little script i've been working on, trying to learn ajax for this though!


  $fp = fopen("thumbnail/array.txt","a");

  $address = $website_url;

  fwrite($fp, $address."\n");



the above code will write the url to the array.txt file, but what i want is basically the time of request, order of request written as well and how long till the requests in queue are captured and cached!

Is this possible using a textfile as the array??? thanks again brandon.


I have set up a virtual host for beta testing, right now it only will capture 1 url at a time until the queue is in place!

Arbitrary Command Execution:

There is Arbitrary Command Execution if the url parameter contains a command.


Cross Site Scripting:

There is Cross Site Scripting if the Expect header contains code.


Full Path Disclosure:

There is Full Path Disclosure if the x parameter is set to an invalid value.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in d:\phpdev\www\image.class.php on line 149


Full Path Disclosure:

There is Full Path Disclosure if the y parameter is set to an invalid value.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in d:\phpdev\www\image.class.php on line 149



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