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Stupid lines caused by code messing up banner. help!


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hi, im having some trouble with my site: www.narutoking.com

as u can see at the top, the banner is divided by dotted lines. i dont know which set of coding is resopnsible for this. please look at my header.php and styles.css below




print "
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<td width=150 height=229 bgcolor=#0e0d15>
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<tr><td height=1 background='".THEME."images/dotline.gif'></td>
<tr align=center bgcolor=#0e0d15><td height=44><img src='".THEME."images/jetta.gif'></td>

<td width=1 height=229 background='".THEME."images/topl.jpg'></td>
<td width=415><img src='".THEME."images/logo.jpg' width='415' height='229'><br></td>






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please tell my which code makes these dotted lines, thanks!

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