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Calling Upon movie files by class id so the path can be hidden?


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I am currently running mkportal, and have the media module installed. I would like to give the members of my site the opportunity to post all the files elsewhere, is there a way I can alter the php to call upon the files a different way such as classid? or maybe the number assigned for that page since its page is given a number, it just stores every thing in one folder on the server.

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That's what I am saying, you would be better suited to ask the dev team for mkportal this information -- as most the people here haven't seen the coding style they have adapted, and thus while someone may be able to give you some sort of a code, odds are it wouldn't work due to the differences in programming style, etc...


Try talking to mkportal devs and if they are of no use, then send me to where i can download it and I will install it and see what I can do to help you with it...  as I myself have never even heard of mkportal.

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MkPortal isn't a very helpful website when it comes to help, takes weeks some times to get simple answers. Im really just looking for some sort of example I can base my development off just so I can get a idea of what I need to do.


You can download the program at www.mkportal.it and then you need to download the media module as well here



thank you. I really appreciate the help. This has been on my agenda for a while now. Every time I search "php classid help" i get a thousand sites using classid's to call the files..

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