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Easier Way?


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ok so basically i have a 10x10 grid and only 29 of the squares make up my path, now i need a way to make it so they cant wonder off the path. Now i have it so the arrows only show up in the directions they can travel but with the back button and refresh they can get off the path still. All i want to do is if they are not on one of the 29 coors it shows a random event and take them back to the start of the grid.


Any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

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well the code is on several pages so posting it all would be too much but basically this is a simpler question with an example.


i have the following table (only bigger)


1,1 -

1,2 -


2,1 -

2,2 -


3,1 -

3,2 -



ok so say i have a path that goes along 1,1 - 1,2 - 2,2 - 2,3 and i only wanted people to go onto those squares. Is there an easy way to throw an error out of someone somehow managed to get onto one of the other squares?


as it stands i have it so if they were on 1,1 they would only be able to go East and if they were on 1,2 They could move West and South, but if they double clicked south they would end up on 3,2 and that is one of the squares i dont want them on.

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i wrote a maze awhile back and had a problem with member double clicking..


my work around was .. erm...


i think..


i set a session and set a hidden field to the same value..



$lastcode = get the last hidden field code

$X = randomsomething; \\<-- generated on each page load

if($lastcode != session['code'])


//go back to start;


session['code'] = $x;

hidden field = $x;



i hope that makes sence



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this is the code i have for the main page and the map


Main Page



if ($_GET['mode'] == 'enter')
$sql2="UPDATE accounts SET co_ord_x=1, co_ord_y=5 where account_id=$account_id";

//update needs to be before query so it will echo new location
if ($_GET['action'] == 'west')
$sql2="UPDATE accounts SET co_ord_x=co_ord_x-1 where account_id=$account_id";
if ($_GET['action'] == 'east')
$sql2="UPDATE accounts SET co_ord_x=co_ord_x+1 where account_id=$account_id";
if ($_GET['action'] == 'north')
$sql2="UPDATE accounts SET co_ord_y=co_ord_y-1 where account_id=$account_id";
if ($_GET['action'] == 'south')
$sql2="UPDATE accounts SET co_ord_y=co_ord_y+1 where account_id=$account_id";

//query need to be after update because it will echo the new location not the old one.
$query="select co_ord_y, co_ord_x from accounts where account_id=$account_id";
if (!$result)
die (mysql_error());



//make actual coords known and usable further down.
//end actual coords


echo "<table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\" id=\"table1\">
	<td width=\"33%\" align=\"center\"><b>Details</b></td>
	<td width=\"33%\" align=\"center\"><b>Map</b></td>
	<td width=\"33%\" align=\"center\"><b>Battle Options</b></td>
	<td width=\"33%\" valign=\"top\">Currently Located: $co_ord_y,$co_ord_x

        echo "</td>
	<td width=\"33%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\">";   
    		if ($_GET['area'] == '1')

echo "</td>
	<td width=\"33%\" valign=\"top\">Attackable Players:<p>Attackable NPC's:</td>



if ($_GET['wood'] == '1' && $_GET['area'] == '1')
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"10\" height=\"10\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
	//Row 1
	 echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 1
//row 2
echo "<tr>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '2' && $co_ord_x == '2')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '2' && $co_ord_x == '3')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; 
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '2' && $co_ord_x == '4')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '2' && $co_ord_x == '5')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '2' && $co_ord_x == '6')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; 
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 2
//row 3
echo "<tr>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '3' && $co_ord_x == '2')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '3' && $co_ord_x == '6')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; 
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 3
//row 4
echo "<tr>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '4' && $co_ord_x == '2')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
     if ($co_ord_y == '4' && $co_ord_x == '4')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; 
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '4' && $co_ord_x == '5')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; 
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '4' && $co_ord_x == '6')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '4' && $co_ord_x == '9')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; 
    if ($co_ord_y == '4' && $co_ord_x == '10')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
//end row 4
//row 5
echo "<tr>

     if ($co_ord_y == '5' && $co_ord_x == '1')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; echo "</td>
     if ($co_ord_y == '5' && $co_ord_x == '2')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">"; echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '5' && $co_ord_x == '4')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '5' && $co_ord_x == '9')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 5
//row 6
echo "<tr>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '6' && $co_ord_x == '4')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '6' && $co_ord_x == '5')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '6' && $co_ord_x == '6')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '6' && $co_ord_x == '7')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '6' && $co_ord_x == '9')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 6
//row 7
echo "<tr>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '7' && $co_ord_x == '7')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '7' && $co_ord_x == '9')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 7
//row 8
echo "<tr>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '8' && $co_ord_x == '7')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '8' && $co_ord_x == '9')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 8
//row 9
echo "<tr>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '9' && $co_ord_x == '7')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '9' && $co_ord_x == '8')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
    if ($co_ord_y == '9' && $co_ord_x == '9')
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/player.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "<img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/trees.GIF\" width=\"10\">";
     echo "</td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 9
//row 10
echo "<tr>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
	<td><img border=\"0\" src=\"/images/Icons/woods/path.gif\" width=\"10\"></td>
//end row 10



told you it was alot of code :P

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