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Can You Check My Code


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Well I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to check the codes of three of my pages. I believe that my pages are mis-matched and have long-winded codes. I am new to php so I am unable to check my pages efficiently. Also, as I have only recently discovered phpFreaks my code comes from various sources making pages a shamble. So if you would not mind sieving through my code and making changes to it so that it is more professional and more accurate then I would be thankful.




$title = 'Index';

require_once ('page_header.php');

require_once ('login.php');

require_once ('page_footer.php');






require_once ('page_header.php');

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = md5($_POST['password']);

$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' && password='$password'";

$result = mysql_query($query);

if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) {
$error = 'Bad Login';

print("<form name=\"login\" method=\"post\" action=\"$PHP_SELF\"> \n");
print("<table border=\"0\" width=\"225\" align=\"center\"> \n");
print("    <tr> \n");
print("        <td width=\"219\" bgcolor=\"#999999\"> \n");
print("            <p align=\"center\"><font color=\"white\"><span style=\"font-size:12pt;\"><b>Login</b></span></font></p> \n");
print("        </td> \n");
print("    </tr> \n");
print("    <tr> \n");
print("        <td width=\"219\"> \n");
print("            <table border=\"0\" width=\"220\" align=\"center\"> \n");
print("                <tr> \n");
print("                    <td width=\"71\" align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size:12pt;\">Username:</span></td> \n");
print("                    <td width=\"139\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" value=\"$username\"></td> \n");
print("                </tr> \n");
print("                <tr> \n");
print("                    <td width=\"71\" align=\"center\"><span style=\"font-size:12pt;\">Password:</span></td> \n");
print("                    <td width=\"139\"><input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" value\"\"></td> \n");
print("                </tr> \n");
print("                <tr> \n");
print("                    <td width=\"71\"> </td> \n");
print("                        <td width=\"139\"> \n");
print("                            <p align=\"right\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></p> \n");
print("                        </td> \n");
print("                </tr> \n");
print("	        <tr>  \n");
print("                    <td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"forgetpass.php\">Forgotten Password?</a></td> \n");
print("                </tr> \n");
print("            </table> \n");
print("        </td> \n");
print("    </tr> \n");
print("    <tr> \n");
print("        <td width=\"219\" bgcolor=\"#999999\" align=\"center\"><font color=\"white\">Not Registered? </font><a href=\"registration.php\" target=\"_self\"><font color=\"white\">Register</font></a><font color=\"white\"> </font><b><i><font color=\"white\">Now!</font></i></b></td> \n");
print("    </tr> \n");
print("</table> \n");
print("</form> \n");

		print ("<font color=\"#ff0000\"> \n");
		print ("<center> \n");
		echo ("Incorrect Username and Password combination.");
		print ("</center> \n");
		print ("</font> \n");
		require_once ('page_footer.php');

} else {
    $_SESSION['username'] = '$username';
    require_once ('memberspage.php');



memberspage.php (I think this page is most messed up)


$title = 'Members Page';

require_once ('page_header.php');

$user = ucfirst($username);

// members page

if ( empty( $username ) ) {

print ("Please login below!");

require_once ('login.php');

} else
$active = mysql_query("SELECT active FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($active))
if($row['active'] == 0) {
print ("<br /> \n");
print ("<center> \n");
print ("$user, you must activate your account via the email that you provided or you will not be able to continue. \n");
print ("<br /> \n");
print ("<a href=\"$root\n");
print("logout.php\">Return to Home Page</a> \n");
print ("</center> \n");
} else

if($row['active'] > 0) {

$id = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
$email = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
$class = mysql_query("SELECT class FROM users WHERE username='$username'");

print ("<br /> \n");
print ("<center> \n");
print("Welcome $user (#");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($id))
print $row['id'];
print("), you signed up with the email address: <a href=\"mailto:");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($email))
  	print $row['email'];
print ("\">");
  	print $row['email'];
print ("</a>.");
print ("<br /> \n");
	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($class))
			$cls = $classes[$row['class']];
		echo "Your class is $cls\n";
print ("<br /> \n");
print("<a href=\"$root\n");
require_once ('edit_profile_link.php');
print("\">Edit Profile</a>\n");

print ("<br /> \n");
print ("<br /> \n");
print ("<a href=\"$root\n");
print("logout.php\">Logout</a> \n");
print ("</center> \n");



require_once ('page_footer.php');



I don't understand sessions at all, which is quite a problem (even though I have looked on php.net) so all the pages have are session_start();


If you can help then please don't bother with changing all the print(""); into a new template html file and using include(); as I prefer the work being in one page.


Thankyou very much and if you need to ask any questions about it, please do so.


~ Chocopi

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personally... i suggest you learn and master the basics of php... before you start to build long-winded codes... once you can do the small things perfectly... then you can do the big things perfectly... :D


you cant expect everyone else to do your work forever... ;)


no offence intended :)

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I see what you mean and learning php is on my to-do list, but for me to learn stuff I need to see how it is done first and not just read about it.


Also, I don't want users to completly write the code for me as thats just rude, but I would just like for someone to change the rubbish I have there into something that is proper and not a jumble.


PS. The code I wouldn't say is long-winded because it is just meant to be a simple login which tells the user the information they registered involving sessions and what not. Then I hopefully will be able to expand and learn more and more. Well thats the plan ;D


~ Chocopi

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