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[SOLVED] Loging in with php on another site


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My problem:

I'm trying to make a bot script that log is in every 30 minutes or so to check for new information, post new things, etc. But I have problem: the bot has to login and I don't know how to do this. Even more complex is that the site on which the bot logs in uses cookies so you have to get these to. I guess you could preset them, but what if they use a dynamic code in one of the cookies. HELP! (with the login & cookie problem!)


-- iLLeLogicaL --

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more then likely... the reason why they require logins, and cookies, and all these other security measures... is to prevent just what your trying to do...


also... creating bots, which access secured information, to use on your own page, is more then likely, against their copyrights(illegal on your behalf), let alone morally dubious... :)

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Yes you both have a good point there, but still I like to see my answer question.

I'm here for that, not for some ethics (may sound rude :-\). But I would like to have an answer, not some ethic discussion.


-- iLLeLogicaL --


its a wee bit naughty...


but think out the box and if ur smart enough ull figure it out :)

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Well, I've tough about it, tryed some ways, failed those ways that's why I've come here.

I got somebody saying that file_get_contents in combination with context_stream will do what I want, but i'm bad in boxing.

So please just help (with an example or something similar :P)

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