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Needing a good WYSIWYG HTML online editor


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I've some experience with PHP, but I'm having great trouble integrating FCKeditor into my site.


I've just transferred from ASP.NET back to PHP because I found I could do a lot of things in PHP without the bloated code I had to write for ASP.NET.


Can anyone recommend a less complex online editor that would be more suitable for a less experienced PHP programmer?


Open Source is great, but the documentation often assumes a knowledge level far beyond what an intermediate programmer would have.


Any advice would be much appreciated.

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yes, tinymce is great. though it's big limitation is if you put it in hidden div elements, or basicly surround with any sort of java. but it's still great. multiple settings. some are tiny, some are huge..... depends if you need bold/italics, or the whole slew of emoticons/html etc.

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