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[SOLVED] List Dir and Files in sub Dir


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I am trying to make a script that list all of the files in a directory and then if the file in the directory is a sub Directory it will list the files in the subdirectory.


If anybody would have a clue how to do this or where to start, please tell.


Also in the end i want it to check file dates and delete them if they are older then 3 days, but i dont have a clue where to start on this.





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You would need to do the initial file list and then use the is_dir() function to determine if an entry is a directory or not.. If it is a directory, then you basically loop back through and do the same process with the new path name..


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not tested... but i think it'll work... lol

function get_all($dir){
if(empty($files)) return array();
foreach($files as $file){
 if(is_dir($file)) $out=array_merge($out,get_all($file.'/*'));
 else $out[]=$file;
return $out;


sorry... edited... now it works... lol

then you just do a foreach(){} to grab the filetime(), and remove accordingly :-)

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function list_files($dir, $level=0){
    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            if ($file=='.' || $file=='..') continue;
            if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) {
                echo str_repeat(' ', $level*5)."<b>$file (dir)</b><br>";
                list_files("$dir/$file", $level+1);
            else echo str_repeat(' ', $level*5)."$file<br>";


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once i learned that php could read files and the such i spent some time on it and came out with this working script.


FUNCTION vdir($dir){
While (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
If(strlen($file) >= 3){
Echo "<b>$file</b><br>";
While (($file2 = readdir($handle2))!==false) {
If(strlen($file2) >= 3){
Echo "    <a href=\"$dir/$file/$file2\">$file2</a><br>";
echo "        last modified: " . date ("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime($dir."/".$file."/".$file2))."<br>";
echo vdir("whatever/");



Basicly it does 2 levels of folders, so if you have all folders in the top level and all files in the next it will do it.  The sting limit makes it so that you dont get the (.) and (..), but all of the folders have to be over 2 characters long.


Also the main file name is bold, you can link to the individual files, and veiw the creation date.



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