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Using HTML based forms to update MySQL DBase

lost tech

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I'm really hoping that there is someone here who can help me.  I am new to all of this and not sure what to do.  I have a web site that is dedicated to Halo 2 for the XBox 360.  One of the things we like to do is to keep track of statistics.  After many frustrating nights of effort, I finally got our first tables in a Data Base started, but I can't figure out how to update the darn thing.  My goal is to be able to use a form on our website to update the tables, I then want to pull the information from the dbase and display it on a web page.  Right now I would be happy with figuring out how to use the html form to update the dbase.


One of my key problems is that I'm accustomed to using URL's for everything, and to update this thing I need to know where to get the information from.  Where do I start?  If there is anyone that is good with PHP and My Sql, I would really like some help with this.  I am willing to grant access to my dbase if it will help.  I really need to understand where the language is generated for the update.  Do I need to create an array to tell the form what to do with the information.  How do I get the form to send the information to the dbase?  So many questions, and all the books that I have are no help.  Someone please help me.  I am including a link to the form in question.  Any starting point right now would be helpful.



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;D Hey thanks for the tip I really appriciate it.  I found some very useful and relivant information that has already got me working toward the solution.  Although I must point out that I will still need to get more specifics on this subject as I get the hang of it.  I am working with this new information and have begun to compile it in a manual format.  I'm sure that by the end of today I will be able to post a code specific question with the examples that I am working on.  Thanks again



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Ok here's a specific question that you guys might be able to anwser.


Using the form in the link www.titansofreach.com/form_test.htm .  The opening code looks like this





<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

<title>form test</title>



<div align="center">

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="900" height="3935" bordercolor="#000000">

<!-- MSTableType="layout" -->


<td height="250" valign="top">

<img border="0" src="statsbanner.jpg" width="900" height="250"></td>





The studies I've done so far tell me that the most important attribute with forms is the <form action> tag.  Now all the examples that I've seen so far link to php pages or other html pages which display results.  My question is;  with the form action tag, is this where I need to tell the form to establish the conection with the data base and tables that I want to update by adding the form action tag after the </head> tag before the <body> tag, or is that done by formating the submit button at the end of the form?

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