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There is a hole somewhere in my cart system and I can not find it!!!

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Alright everyone, I thought my cart system was completely stable.

I have rigourously tested this thing, but there seems to be some sort of error.

I have gotten 2 blank orders through this thing, and I do not know what is causing it.


This is how the cart works/checks to make sure everything is cool. First of all if you don't have anything in the cart it will not let you check out and say you dont have anything in the cart. Next when you add an item it will add it to the cart. When you click check out it will check if you are a member/signed in then after you register or sign in you can go back and check out. It will confirm your membership again. Then it will take you to an enter payment/shipping information page. When you click submit it will check if you entered in the required info if you have it will place your address into the database, and then ask you to confirm the order then it will take you to the order reciept page. Now the one error i can think of is if you refresh the order confirmation page it will either result in an order being submitted with just your memeber id (if you are signed in), or it will be completely blank if you arn't signed in. This page removes the order from the cart that is why a refresh will cause it to be blank. In the future I am going to make an order reciept page, to display the order ids, and have the removale just be a processing in between page. That way people can bookmark their orders....


I would be more concerned with this; however, the blank orders that i am recieving (i eventually was emailed by those people) were from people that signed up and checked out (or so they say) but we just get a blank order rather than the actual one. This isn't thattttt common; however, it does make me concerned.


the website is www.earcandycabs.com try to sign up and crack it the best you can i suppose. Don't try to do things an average user wouldn't do, but please do things that you may feel will ruin it. I am fearing that I missed something in the logic. Also when you submit the order make sure you put "test" in the special instructions. Oh when you submit an order dont worry your info can be fake it is not connected to paypal or any other gateway.


Thanks for the help!!!!

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So i talked to the person who had the error. I guess what happened was not enough login checks. He says he waited a while before he tried to complete the check out. Soooooo what happened was i think his session may have timed out.... Is there a way to specify how long a session stays active?

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