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I have a modified installation of supercali and am having some serious problems with one last item. The 2 problems I'm having are this:


A user should only be able to post one appointment at a given start time, however it allows you to post many appointments in the same time slot in each category. The other problem I'm having is that regardless of how I adjust privileges, a user can only post if they have admin privileges (not just post privileges).


This has to be done by morning and I've been up forever... I can barely stay awake and can't think straight... I know I'm missing something simple... please help! Code is below, let me know if you need anything else.

Thanks in advance.




$javascript = '<script language="JavaScript">

var cal = new CalendarPopup("testdiv1");



var testpopup5 = new PopupWindow("timelayer");




var testpopup5input=null;

function test5popupactivate(obj,anchor) {




function testpopup5pick(val) {

testpopup5input.value = val;



function null_out(t,i) {

if ((t.value == "all") || (t.value == "tba")){

eval("t.form.start_time_" + i +".disabled=true");

eval("t.form.end_time_" + i +".disabled=true");



eval("t.form.start_time_" + i +".value=\'12:00 am\'");

if (t.value == "all") {

eval("t.form.end_time_" + i +".value=\'11:59 pm\'");

} else {

eval("t.form.end_time_" + i +".value=\'12:00 am\'");


eval("turn_off(\'anchor_time_start_" + i +"\')");

eval("turn_off(\'anchor_time_end_" + i +"\')");

} else {

eval("t.form.start_time_" + i +".disabled=false");

eval("t.form.end_time_" + i +".disabled=false");


eval("turn_on(\'anchor_time_start_" + i +"\')");

eval("turn_on(\'anchor_time_end_" + i +"\')");



function turn_on(whichLayer) {

if (document.getElementById) {

// this is the way the standards work

var style2 = document.getElementById(whichLayer).style;

style2.visibility = "visible";

} else if (document.all) {

// this is the way old msie versions work

var style2 = document.all[whichLayer].style;

style2.visibility = "visible";

} else if (document.layers) {

// this is the way nn4 works

var style2 = document.layers[whichLayer].style;

style2.visibility = "show";



function turn_off(whichLayer) {

if (document.getElementById) {

// this is the way the standards work

var style2 = document.getElementById(whichLayer).style;

style2.visibility = "hidden";

} else if (document.all) {

// this is the way old msie versions work

var style2 = document.all[whichLayer].style;

style2.visibility = "hidden";

} else if (document.layers) {

// this is the way nn4 works

var style2 = document.layers[whichLayer].style;

style2.visibility = "hide";




include "includes/start.php";

$page_title = $lang["title_add_event"];

$edit = false;




function category_tree($category_id) {

global $table_prefix, $indent, $edit;

$q = "SELECT category_id, name from ".$table_prefix."categories where sub_of = ".$category_id." order by name";

$query = mysql_query($q);

if (!$query) echo 'There was an error creating a new event. You may have been locked out for non payment. If you are paid in full, please try again.';#"Database Error : ".$q;

else {


while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($query)) {

if (!$edit) {

$q = "select * from ".$table_prefix."users_to_categories where category_id = ".$row[0]." and user_id = ".$_SESSION["user_id"];

$qu = mysql_query($q);

if (mysql_num_rows($qu) < 1) echo "";


} else {

echo "<option value=\"".$row[0]."\"";



if ($_POST["category"] == $row[0]) echo " selected";

echo ">".$indent.$row[1]."</option>\n";


$indent .= "__";


$indent = substr($indent, 2);






function select_place($field) {

global $table_prefix, $indent;

$q = "SELECT link_id, state, city, company from ".$table_prefix."links where state !='' and city != '' order by state, city, company";

$query = mysql_query($q);

if (!$query) echo "Database Error : ".$q;

else {

while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($query)) {

echo "<option value=\"".$row[0]."\"";

if ($field) {

if ($field == $row[0]) echo " SELECTED";


echo ">".$row[1]." : ".$row[2]." : ".$row[3]."</option>\n";








if (!$_SESSION["user_id"]) {


header("Location: ".$path."login.php?return_to=".$PHP_SELF);

} else {

$query = mysql_query("SELECT add_categories from ".$table_prefix."users where user_id = ".$_SESSION["user_id"]." limit 1");

$row = mysql_fetch_row($query);

if ($row[0] == 1) {

$edit = true;


if ($_POST["mode"] == $lang["add_event"]) {

$title = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST["title"]));

$link_id = $_POST["venue"];

$contact_id = $_POST["contact"];

$description = addslashes($_POST["description"]);

$category_id = $_POST["category"];

$q = "INSERT into ".$table_prefix."events (title, venue_id, contact_id, description, category_id, user_id) values ('".$title."', ".$link_id.", ".$contact_id.", '".$description."', ".$category_id.", ".$_SESSION["user_id"].")";

$query = mysql_query($q);


$event_id = mysql_insert_id();

if (!$query) $msg .= 'There was an error creating a new event. You may have been locked out for non payment. If you are paid in full, please try again.';#"Database Error : ".$q;

else {

$j = 0;

while ($_POST["date_".$j]) {

if (!$_POST["delete_".$j]) {

if ($_POST["all_day_".$j] == "all") {

$_POST["start_time_".$j] = "12:00 am";

$_POST["end_time_".$j] = "11:59 pm";

} else if ($_POST["all_day_".$j] == "tba") {

$_POST["start_time_".$j] = "12:00 am";

$_POST["end_time_".$j] = "12:00 am";


if (!ereg ("([0-9]{1,2})[\/-]+([0-9]{1,2})[\/-]+([0-9]{4})",$_POST["date_".$j],$date)) {

$msg .= "Bad Date:".$_POST["date_".$j];

} else {

if (!eregi ("([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})[ ]?([a|p]m)",$_POST["start_time_".$j],$start_time)) {

$msg .= "Bad Start Time:".$_POST["start_time_".$j];

} else {

if (($_POST["end_time_".$j])&&(!eregi ("([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})[ ]?([a|p]m)",$_POST["end_time_".$j],$end_time))) {

$msg .= "Bad End Time:".$_POST["end_time_".$j];

} else {

if (strlen($date[1]) == 1) $date[1] = "0".$date[1];

if (strlen($date[2]) == 1) $date[2] = "0".$date[2];

if ((eregi("am",$start_time[3])) && ($start_time[1] == 12)) $start_time[1] = $start_time[1] - 12;

if ((eregi("am",$end_time[3])) && ($end_time[1] == 12)) $end_time[1] = $end_time[1] - 12;

if ((eregi("pm",$start_time[3])) && ($start_time[1] < 12)) $start_time[1] = $start_time[1] + 12;

if ((eregi("pm",$end_time[3])) && ($end_time[1] < 12)) $end_time[1] = $end_time[1] + 12;

if (strlen($start_time[1]) == 1) $start_time[1] = "0".$start_time[1];

if (strlen($end_time[1]) == 1) $end_time[1] = "0".$end_time[1];


$start_date = $date[3]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[2]." ".$start_time[1].":".$start_time[2];

if ($_POST["end_time_".$j]) {


$end_date = $date[3]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[2]." ".$hidden_end.":".$end_time[2];

if (($end_time[1].$end_time[2]) >= ($start_time[1].$start_time[2])) {

$q = "INSERT into ".$table_prefix."dates (event_id, date, end_date) values (".$event_id.", '".$start_date."', '".$end_date."')";

} else {

$q = "INSERT into ".$table_prefix."dates (event_id, date) values (".$event_id.", '".$start_date."')";


} else {

$q = "INSERT into ".$table_prefix."dates (event_id, date) values (".$event_id.", '".$start_date."')";



$dup_query="SELECT * FROM `dates`";



if ($start_date==$dup_row[1]){

$msg.='This time is already booked';

} else {

$query = mysql_query($q);





if (!$query) $msg .= 'There was an error creating a new event. You may have been locked out for non payment. If you are paid in full, please try again.';#"Database Error : ".$q;







if ($_POST["date_add"]) {

if ($_POST["all_day_add"] == "all") {

$_POST["start_time_add"] = "12:00 am";

$_POST["end_time_add"] = "11:59 pm";

} else if ($_POST["all_day_add"] == "tba") {

$_POST["start_time_add"] = "12:00 am";

$_POST["end_time_add"] = "12:00 am";


if (!ereg ("([0-9]{1,2})[\/-]+([0-9]{1,2})[\/-]+([0-9]{4})",$_POST["date_add"],$date)) {

$msg .= "Bad Date:".$_POST["date_add"];

} else {

if (!eregi ("([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})[ ]?([a|p]m)",$_POST["start_time_add"],$start_time)) {

$msg .= "Bad Start Time:".$_POST["start_time_add"];

} else {

if (($_POST["end_time_add"])&&(!eregi ("([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})[ ]?([a|p]m)",$_POST["end_time_add"],$end_time))) {

$msg .= "Bad End Time:".$_POST["end_time_add"];

} else {

if (strlen($date[1]) == 1) $date[1] = "0".$date[1];

if (strlen($date[2]) == 1) $date[2] = "0".$date[2];

if ((eregi("am",$start_time[3])) && ($start_time[1] == 12)) $start_time[1] = $start_time[1] - 12;

if ((eregi("am",$end_time[3])) && ($end_time[1] == 12)) $end_time[1] = $end_time[1] - 12;

if ((eregi("pm",$start_time[3])) && ($start_time[1] < 12)) $start_time[1] = $start_time[1] + 12;

if ((eregi("pm",$end_time[3])) && ($end_time[1] < 12)) $end_time[1] = $end_time[1] + 12;

if (strlen($start_time[1]) == 1) $start_time[1] = "0".$start_time[1];

if (strlen($end_time[1]) == 1) $end_time[1] = "0".$end_time[1];


$start_date = $date[3]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[2]." ".$start_time[1].":".$start_time[2];

if ($_POST["end_time_add"]) {


$end_date = $date[3]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[2]." ".$hidden_end.":".$end_time[2];

if (($end_time[1].$end_time[2]) >= ($start_time[1].$start_time[2])) {

$q = "INSERT into ".$table_prefix."dates (event_id, date, end_date) values (".$event_id.", '".$start_date."', '".$end_date."')";

} else {

$q = "INSERT into ".$table_prefix."dates (event_id, date) values (".$event_id.", '".$start_date."')";


} else {

$q = "INSERT into ".$table_prefix."dates (event_id, date) values (".$event_id.", '".$start_date."')";


$dup_query="SELECT * FROM `dates`";



if ($start_date==$dup_row[1]){

$msg.='This time is already booked';

} else {

$query = mysql_query($q);




if (!$query) $msg .= 'There was an error creating a new event. You may have been locked out for non payment. If you are paid in full, please try again.';#"Database Error : ".$q;





$msg .= $lang["event_added"];


$javascript .= "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\nopener.location.reload(true);\n// -->\n</script>\n";



include "includes/header.php";


if ($msg) echo "<p class=\"warning\">".$msg."</p>\n";



<form action="add_event.php" id="event" name="event" method="post">

<?php include "includes/hidden_fields.php"; ?>

<input type="hidden" name="size" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST["size"]; ?>">



<td><?php echo $lang["title"];?>:</td>

<td><input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="<?php echo $_POST["title"]; ?>" size="40"></td>



<td><?php echo $lang["category"];?>:</td>


<select name="category" id="category">

<?php category_tree(0); ?>





<td><?php echo $lang["venue"];?>:</td>


<select name="venue" id="venue" size="1">

<option value="1"><?php echo $lang["in_main_description"];?></option>

<?php select_place($_POST["venue"]); ?>





<td><?php echo $lang["contact_sponsor"];?>:</td>


<select name="contact" id="contact" size="1">

<option value="1"><?php echo $lang["none"];?></option>

<?php select_place($_POST["contact"]); ?>





<?php echo $lang["dates"];?>:



<th><?php echo $lang["delete?"];?></th>

<th><?php echo $lang["date"];?></th><th><?php # echo $lang["all_day"];?>  <?php # echo $lang["tba"];?>  <?php echo $lang["enter_time"];?></th><th><?php echo $lang["start_time"];?></th>

<th><?php # echo $lang["start_time"];?></th>




$i = 0;

$j = 0;

while ($_POST["date_".$j]) {

if (!$_POST["delete_".$j]) {

$disabled = "";

$hidden = "";

$checked= "";

$checked_tba= "";

$checked_enter= " checked";

if ($_POST["all_day_".$j] == "all") {

$_POST["start_time_".$j] = "12:00 am";

$_POST["end_time_".$j] = "11:59 pm";

$disabled = " disabled";

$hidden = " style=\"visibility: hidden;\"";

$checked= " checked";

$checked_enter= "";

} elseif (($_POST["start_time_".$j] == "12:00 am") && ($_POST["end_time_".$j] == "11:59 pm")) {

$disabled = " disabled";

$hidden = " style=\"visibility: hidden;\"";

$checked= " checked";

$checked_enter= "";

} elseif ($_POST["all_day_".$j] == "tba") {

$_POST["start_time_".$j] = "12:00 am";

$_POST["end_time_".$j] = "12:00 am";

$disabled = " disabled";

$hidden = " style=\"visibility: hidden;\"";

$checked_tba = " checked";

$checked_enter= "";

} elseif (($_POST["start_time_".$j] == "12:00 am") && ($_POST["end_time_".$j] == "12:00 am")) {

$disabled = " disabled";

$hidden = " style=\"visibility: hidden;\"";

$checked_tba= " checked";

$checked_enter= "";




<td><input type="checkbox" name="delete_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="delete_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="yes" /></td>

<td><input type="text" name="date_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="date_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $_POST["date_".$j]; ?>"size="10"> <a href="#" onclick="cal.select(document.event.date_<?php echo $i; ?>,this.name,'MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;" NAME="anchor_date_<?php echo $i; ?>" ID="anchor_date_<?php echo $i; ?>"><img src="images/calendar.png" border="0" /></a></td>

<td><input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,<?php echo $i; ?>);" name="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="all"<?php echo $checked; ?>/> / <input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,<?php echo $i; ?>);" name="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="tba"<?php echo $checked_tba; ?>/> / <input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,<?php echo $i; ?>);" name="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" value=""<?php echo $checked_enter; ?>/></td>

<td><input type="text" name="start_time_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="start_time_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $_POST["start_time_".$j]; ?>" size="10"<?php echo $disabled; ?>/> <a href="#" onclick="test5popupactivate(document.event.start_time_<?php echo $i; ?>,this.name);return false;" NAME="anchor_time_start_<?php echo $i; ?>" ID="anchor_time_start_<?php echo $i; ?>"<?php echo $hidden; ?>><img src="images/time.png" border="0" /></a></td>


<td><input type="text" name="end_time_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="end_time_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $_POST["end_time_".$j]; ?>" size="10"<?php echo $disabled; ?>/> <a href="#" onclick="test5popupactivate(document.event.end_time_0,this.name);return false;" NAME="anchor_time_end_<?php echo $i; ?>" ID="anchor_time_end_<?php echo $i; ?>"<?php echo $hidden; ?>><img src="images/time.png" border="0" /></a></td>









if ($_POST["date_add"]) {

$disabled = "";

$hidden = "";

$checked= "";

$checked_tba= "";

$checked_enter= " checked";

if ($_POST["all_day_add"]) {

$_POST["start_time_add"] = "12:00 am";

$_POST["end_time_add"] = "11:59 pm";

$disabled = " disabled";

$hidden = " style=\"visibility: hidden;\"";

$checked= " checked";

$checked_enter= "";

} elseif (($_POST["start_time_add"] == "12:00 am") && ($_POST["end_time_add"] == "11:59 pm")) {

$disabled = " disabled";

$hidden = " style=\"visibility: hidden;\"";

$checked= " checked";

$checked_enter= "";

} elseif ($_POST["all_day_".$j] == "tba") {

$_POST["start_time_".$j] = "12:00 am";

$_POST["end_time_".$j] = "12:00 am";

$disabled = " disabled";

$hidden = " style=\"visibility: hidden;\"";

$checked_tba = " checked";

$checked_enter= "";

} elseif (($_POST["start_time_".$j] == "12:00 am") && ($_POST["end_time_".$j] == "12:00 am")) {

$disabled = " disabled";

$hidden = " style=\"visibility: hidden;\"";

$checked_tba= " checked";

$checked_enter= "";




<td><input type="checkbox" name="delete_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="delete_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="yes" /></td>

<td><input type="text" name="date_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="date_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $_POST["date_add"]; ?>"size="10"> <a href="#" onclick="cal.select(document.event.date_<?php echo $i; ?>,this.name,'MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;" NAME="anchor_date_<?php echo $i; ?>" ID="anchor_date_<?php echo $i; ?>"><img src="images/calendar.png" border="0" /></a></td>

<td><input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,<?php echo $i; ?>);" name="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="all"<?php echo $checked; ?>/> / <input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,<?php echo $i; ?>);" name="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="tba"<?php echo $checked_tba; ?>/> / <input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,<?php echo $i; ?>);" name="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="all_day_<?php echo $i; ?>" value=""<?php echo $checked_enter; ?>/></td>

<td><input type="text" name="start_time_<?php echo $i; ?>" id="start_time_<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $_POST["start_time_add"]; ?>" size="10"<?php echo $disabled; ?>/> <a href="#" onclick="test5popupactivate(document.event.start_time_<?php echo $i; ?>,this.name);return false;" NAME="anchor_time_start_<?php echo $i; ?>" ID="anchor_time_start_<?php echo $i; ?>"<?php echo $hidden; ?>><img src="images/time.png" border="0" /></a></td>


<td><!-- input type="text" name="end_time_<?php #echo $i; ?>" id="end_time_<?php #echo $i; ?>" value="<?php #echo $_POST["end_time_add"]; ?>" size="10"<?php # echo $disabled; ?>/> <a href="#" onclick="test5popupactivate(document.event.end_time_0,this.name);return false;" NAME="anchor_time_end_<?php # echo $i; ?>" ID="anchor_time_end_<?php # echo $i; ?>"<?php # echo $hidden; ?>><img src="images/time.png" border="0" /></a--></td>








<td><?php # echo $lang["add"];?> =>></td>


<input type="text" name="date_add" id="date_add" size="10"> <a href="#" onclick="cal.select(document.event.date_add,this.name,'MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;" NAME="anchor_date_add" ID="anchor_date_add"><img src="images/calendar.png" border="add" /></a></td>

<td><!-- <input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,'add');" name="all_day_add" id="all_day_add" value="all" /> / <input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,'add');" name="all_day_add" id="all_day_add" value="tba" /> / --><input type="radio" onClick="null_out(this,'add');" name="all_day_add" id="all_day_add" value="" checked /></td>

<td><input type="text" name="start_time_add" id="start_time_add" size="10"> <a href="#" onclick="test5popupactivate(document.event.start_time_add,this.name);return false;" NAME="anchor_time_start_add" ID="anchor_time_start_add""><img src="images/time.png" border="add" /></a>



<td><!-- <input type="text" name="end_time_add" id="end_time_add" size="10"> <a href="#" onclick="test5popupactivate(document.event.end_time_add,this.name);return false;" NAME="anchor_time_end_add" ID="anchor_time_end_add""><img src="images/time.png" border="add" /></a> -->





<p><!-- <input type="submit" name="mode" id="mode" value="<?php # echo $lang["add_edit_dates"];?>"></p> -->

<p><?php echo $lang["description"];?>:<br />

<?php if ($fck_editor_path) {

include("FCKeditor/fckeditor.php") ;

$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('description') ;

$oFCKeditor->BasePath = $fck_editor_path ;

$oFCKeditor->Value = $_POST["description"] ;

$oFCKeditor->Height = 400;

$oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = $fck_editor_toolbar;

$oFCKeditor->Create() ;

} else {

echo "<textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\" name=\"description\" id=\"description\">".$_POST["description"]."</textarea>\n";




<p><input type="submit" name="mode" id="mode" value="<?php echo $lang["add_event"];?>"></p>



<div id="timelayer" STYLE="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;background-color:white;layer-background-color:white;top:0px;z-index: 1;">

<form id="time" name="time">

<select id="hour" size="18" onChange="testpopup5pick(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">

<option value="12:00 am" class="midnight">Midnight</option>

<option value="01:00 am" class="evening">01:00 am</option>

<option value="02:00 am" class="evening">02:00 am</option>

<option value="03:00 am" class="evening">03:00 am</option>

<option value="04:00 am" class="evening">04:00 am</option>

<option value="05:00 am" class="evening">05:00 am</option>

<option value="06:00 am" class="morning">06:00 am</option>

<option value="07:00 am" class="morning">07:00 am</option>

<option value="07:30 am" class="morning">07:30 am</option>

<option value="08:00 am" class="morning" selected>08:00 am</option>

<option value="08:30 am" class="morning">08:30 am</option>

<option value="09:00 am" class="morning">09:00 am</option>

<option value="09:30 am" class="morning">09:30 am</option>

<option value="10:00 am" class="morning">10:00 am</option>

<option value="10:30 am" class="morning">10:30 am</option>

<option value="11:00 am" class="morning">11:00 am</option>

<option value="11:30 am" class="morning">11:30 am</option>

<option value="12:00 pm" class="noon">Noon</option>

<option value="12:30 pm" class="afternoon">12:30 pm</option>

<option value="01:00 pm" class="afternoon">01:00 pm</option>

<option value="01:30 pm" class="afternoon">01:30 pm</option>

<option value="02:00 pm" class="afternoon">02:00 pm</option>

<option value="02:30 pm" class="afternoon">02:30 pm</option>

<option value="03:00 pm" class="afternoon">03:00 pm</option>

<option value="03:30 pm" class="afternoon">03:30 pm</option>

<option value="04:00 pm" class="afternoon">04:00 pm</option>

<option value="04:30 pm" class="afternoon">04:30 pm</option>

<option value="05:00 pm" class="afternoon">05:00 pm</option>

<option value="05:30 pm" class="afternoon">05:30 pm</option>

<option value="06:00 pm" class="evening">06:00 pm</option>

<option value="06:30 pm" class="evening">06:30 pm</option>

<option value="07:00 pm" class="evening">07:00 pm</option>

<option value="07:30 pm" class="evening">07:30 pm</option>

<option value="08:00 pm" class="evening">08:00 pm</option>

<option value="08:30 pm" class="evening">08:30 pm</option>

<option value="09:00 pm" class="evening">09:00 pm</option>

<option value="09:30 pm" class="evening">09:30 pm</option>

<option value="10:00 pm" class="evening">10:00 pm</option>

<option value="10:30 pm" class="evening">10:30 pm</option>

<option value="11:00 pm" class="evening">11:00 pm</option>

<option value="11:30 pm" class="evening">11:30 pm</option>




<DIV ID="testdiv1" STYLE="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;background-color:white;layer-background-color:white;"></DIV>



include ("includes/footer.php");




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