Raster Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Hay All, My good old frend google brings me to you. I am in need of help with a dynamic image I am makeing for my site http://torrent-hackers.co.uk Now looking here I see ther is some of you that have been makeing the images and have much more info for it that I do. As you can see in my sig pic I have started to make it but I have come to a dead end and I am needing help to finish it off. I have asked over at other sites and had no look and never had a reply to this day so I am hopeing I will get one here. This is the code I have for my images... bar.php <? // Database Presets $config_path = "include/secrets.php"; $template_file = "template.png"; $rating_x = 650; $rating_y = 30; $upload_x = 650; $upload_y = 10; $download_x = 650; $download_y = 20; $digits_template = "digits.png"; $digits_config = "digits.ini"; //=========================================================================== // Funtions //=========================================================================== function getParam() { $res = preg_replace("#(.*)\/(.*)\.png#i", "$2", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $res = trim(substr(trim($res), 0, 10)); if (! is_numeric($res)) { die("Invalid user_id or hacking attempt."); } return $res; } function mysql_init() { global $mysql_host, $mysql_db, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass; if ($mysql_pass!='') { $link = @mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass) or die("Cannot connect to database!"); } else { $link = @mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user) or die("Cannot connect to database!"); } mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die("Cannot select database!"); return $link; } function ifthen($ifcondition, $iftrue, $iffalse) { if ($ifcondition) { return $iftrue; } else { return $iffalse; } } function getPostfix($val) { $postfix = "b"; if ($val>=1024) { $postfix = "kb"; } if ($val>=1048576) { $postfix = "mb"; } if ($val>=1073741824) { $postfix = "gb"; } if ($val>=1099511627776) { $postfix = "tb"; } if ($val>=1125899906842624) { $postfix = "pb"; } if ($val>=1152921504606846976) { $postfix = "eb"; } if ($val>=1180591620717411303424) { $postfix = "zb"; } if ($val>=1208925819614629174706176) { $postfix = "yb"; } return $postfix; } function roundCounter($value, $postfix) { $val=$value; switch ($postfix) { case "kb": $val=$val / 1024; break; case "mb": $val=$val / 1048576; break; case "gb": $val=$val / 1073741824; break; case "tb": $val=$val / 1099511627776; break; case "pb": $val=$val / 1125899906842624; break; case "eb": $val=$val / 1152921504606846976; break; case "zb": $val=$val / 1180591620717411303424; break; case "yb": $val=$val / 1208925819614629174706176; break; default: break; } return $val; } //=========================================================================== // Main body //=========================================================================== // Digits initialization - begin $digits_ini = @parse_ini_file($digits_config) or die("Cannot load Digits Configuration file!"); $digits_img = @imagecreatefrompng($digits_template) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream!"); // Digits initialization - end $download_counter = 0; $upload_counter = 0; $rating_counter = 0; $img = @imagecreatefrompng($template_file) or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream!"); $userid = getParam(); if ($userid!="") { include($config_path); mysql_init(); $query = "SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE id = '".$userid."'"; $result = @mysql_query($query) or die("Could not select data!"); $counter = mysql_result($result, 0); mysql_free_result($result); if ($counter>0) { $query = "SELECT uploaded, downloaded FROM users WHERE id = ".$userid; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Could not select data!"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $upload_counter = $data['uploaded']; $download_counter = $data['downloaded']; if ($download_counter>0) { $rating_counter = $upload_counter / $download_counter; } } } } $dot_pos = strpos((string) $rating_counter, "."); if ($dot_pos>0) { $rating_counter = (string) round(substr((string) $rating_counter, 0, $dot_pos+1+2), 2); } else { $rating_counter = (string) $rating_counter; } $counter_x = $rating_x; for ($i=0; $i<strlen($rating_counter); $i++) { $d_x=$digits_ini[ifthen($rating_counter[$i]==".", "dot", $rating_counter[$i])."_x"]; $d_w=$digits_ini[ifthen($rating_counter[$i]==".", "dot", $rating_counter[$i])."_w"]; imagecopy($img, $digits_img, $counter_x, $rating_y, $d_x, 0, $d_w, imagesy($digits_img)); $counter_x=$counter_x+$d_w-1; } $postfix = getPostfix($upload_counter); $upload_counter = roundCounter($upload_counter, $postfix); $dot_pos = strpos((string) $upload_counter, "."); if ($dot_pos>0) { $upload_counter = (string) round(substr((string) $upload_counter, 0, $dot_pos+1+2), 2); } else { $upload_counter = (string) $upload_counter; } $counter_x = $upload_x; for ($i=0; $i<strlen($upload_counter); $i++) { $d_x=$digits_ini[ifthen($upload_counter[$i]==".", "dot", $upload_counter[$i])."_x"]; $d_w=$digits_ini[ifthen($upload_counter[$i]==".", "dot", $upload_counter[$i])."_w"]; imagecopy($img, $digits_img, $counter_x, $upload_y, $d_x, 0, $d_w, imagesy($digits_img)); $counter_x=$counter_x+$d_w-1; } $counter_x+=3; $d_x=$digits_ini[$postfix."_x"]; $d_w=$digits_ini[$postfix."_w"]; imagecopy($img, $digits_img, $counter_x, $upload_y, $d_x, 0, $d_w, imagesy($digits_img)); $postfix = getPostfix($download_counter); $download_counter = roundCounter($download_counter, $postfix); $dot_pos = strpos((string) $download_counter, "."); if ($dot_pos>0) { $download_counter = (string) round(substr((string) $download_counter, 0, $dot_pos+1+2), 2); } else { $download_counter = (string) $download_counter; } $counter_x = $download_x; for ($i=0; $i<strlen($download_counter); $i++) { $d_x=$digits_ini[ifthen($download_counter[$i]==".", "dot", $download_counter[$i])."_x"]; $d_w=$digits_ini[ifthen($download_counter[$i]==".", "dot", $download_counter[$i])."_w"]; imagecopy($img, $digits_img, $counter_x, $download_y, $d_x, 0, $d_w, imagesy($digits_img)); $counter_x=$counter_x+$d_w-1; } $counter_x+=3; $d_x=$digits_ini[$postfix."_x"]; $d_w=$digits_ini[$postfix."_w"]; imagecopy($img, $digits_img, $counter_x, $download_y, $d_x, 0, $d_w, imagesy($digits_img)); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); ?> digits.ini 1_x=0 1_w=4 2_x=4 2_w=7 3_x=11 3_w=7 4_x=18 4_w=7 5_x=25 5_w=7 6_x=32 6_w=7 7_x=39 7_w=7 8_x=46 8_w=7 9_x=53 9_w=7 0_x=60 0_w=7 dot_x=67 dot_w=3 b_x=71 b_w=7 kb_x=78 kb_w=13 mb_x=91 mb_w=13 gb_x=104 gb_w=13 tb_x=117 tb_w=13 pb_x=130 pb_w=13 eb_x=143 eb_w=13 zb_x=156 zb_w=13 yb_x=169 yb_w=13 digits.png template.png That is all the files that make this mod work as you can see I have got... Uploaded Downloaded Ratio On ther but I am looking to get other things such as... User name No# Of Comments No# Of Posts User Class IP of computer looking at image So I hope someone here can help me, I know you will need to know the SQL entrys but I dont see the point in looking all of them up untill I can find a good coder that can help me. Thanks for takeing a look, Raster. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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