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PHP & Database


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I'm just trying to see how difficult it would be to create a few of these scenarios.  There are a few things that I would like to have on a site but I'm still learning as I go with php and databases.



a.  Database that collects user information from a form.

b. The ability to send emails to users that input their information

c. Create reports from purchases



a.  Create accounts (about 10) for distributers - and be able to print reports on commissions (15%) of sales that are a result of their account


Basically I'm trying to build a site that has a shopping cart, that can do thse things.  How much code  and how difficult would it be to set something up like this?  Also, does anyone know of any good shopping carts - or would you recommend building my own?






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I can't answer for all of those things, for instance the shopping cart question -- though my intuition is go with an established third party, but I'll answer some of your questions.  All the things you listed are doable by one person depending on the quality that you're looking for.  Since it sounds like you just want this to work for a small number of people I think you could do it yourself, but depending on your experience it would probably behoove you to either use a framework (thereby avoiding some potential security issues) or look at the source for frameworks (or other established packages).


I've written something which I'm distributing which handles the db connection, templating, and several other things which I invite you to use if you're so inclined.  It won't do fancy stuff like write SQL for you (I'm working on something to do that, though).  If you opted to use my stuff (or another equivalent) you'd still have to write some page controllers, models, and HTML templates.


I can talk more about design considerations if you have any, but I hope that helps.

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Hi, thanks for the reply.  That definately helps me know what I'm up against.  I'm actually going through the video tutorials at vtc about mysql and php and when I'm finished I'm sure I'll have some additional questions.  I'm not looking to complete the project for a few months.





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