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Ok, I'm creating a trade system for a website I work for. The problem is, when I'm selecting the items and then splitting them, I can easily echo all one-five number(s) with | between each one.


So it would look like: 1|2|53|5345


The problem is, I'm submitting the data into the table inside that foreach, but it's creating a separate query for each number.


How can I get all the numbers to stay one [1|2|53|5345] instead of having four queries for 1, 2, 53 and 5345?


if($act == go){
$items = $_POST[items];

foreach($items as $sluts){
if($x > 5){
echo "5 items only!";
}else {
	foreach($items as $itemids){
		echo "Item #$y [$itemids] is not numeric!<br>\n";
		}else {
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM `user_items` WHERE `id` =$itemids AND `uid` =$_COOKIE[uid]";
			$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
				if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 0){
				echo "One of those items does not belong to you!<br>\n";
				}else {
					$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
					$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itemid` =$row[itemid]";
					$res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());
					if(mysql_num_rows($res2) == 0){
					echo "One of those items is not a real item!<br>\n";
					}else {
					$wishlist = protect($_POST['wishlist']);
							if(strlen($wishlist > 250)){
							echo "Your wishlist is too much!";
						if($y == 0){                   
						$set = "$itemids";
						$set = "|$itemids";
							$time = time();
							//$sql = "INSERT INTO `trades` (`uid`,`items`,`wishlist`,`time`) VALUES('$_COOKIE[uid]','$set','$wishlist','$time');";
							//$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
							//$limit = $y-1;
							//$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `trades` WHERE `uid` =$_COOKIE[uid] AND `time` =$time AND `items` ='$set' LIMIT $limit";
							//$res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());


echo "You trade has been created successfully!\n";
}else {


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I don't really understand how your code has to do with what you've said...


If each number is in a string you can "combine" them this way:

$combined = $num1."|".$num2."|".$num3."|".$num4."|".$num5;


If the numbers are in an array:

$combined = implode("|", $nums);




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The foreach the queries are in it defines the set.


If y = 0 then it means it's only one number,but if it isn't it creating |$itemids


So If I had 1 number it would create a number as: 55342


But if I had the max of 5 numbers it would create 55342|55343|55344|55345|55346


In this case it's creating 5 queries for one set.


So it's creating an individual query for just 55342, 55343, 55344, 55345 and 55346, instead of one whole query with the |'s in side it


I'll post the whole cost how it's created:



$act = $_GET[act];

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `user_items` WHERE `place` ='Inventory' AND `uid` =$_COOKIE[uid] ORDER BY RAND()";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($res) > 0){
echo "<form action=\"?act=go\" method=post>\n";
echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=3 name=check width=600>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=5 align=center class=bar>Clicking the checkbox below the item name will make the item up for trades when you hit the submit button. Once the checkbox is enabled the image will be given a 3 point green border, showing you the item is now being traded once you hit the submit button. To remove the green border along with the check in the checkbox, just click the image and it will be no longer up for trades!</td></tr>\n";
<script language="Javascript">
function counterUpdate(opt_countedTextBox, opt_countBody, opt_maxSize) {
        var countedTextBox = opt_countedTextBox ? opt_countedTextBox : "counttxt";
        var countBody = opt_countBody ? opt_countBody : "countBody";
        var maxSize = opt_maxSize ? opt_maxSize : 1024;

        var field = document.getElementById(countedTextBox);

        if (field && field.value.length >= maxSize) {
                field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxSize);
        var txtField = document.getElementById(countBody);
                if (txtField) { 
                txtField.innerHTML = field.value.length;
echo "<tr>\n";

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
//$d = $i;
$id = $row[id];
$itemid = $row[itemid];
$res2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itemid` =$itemid") or die(mysql_error());
$row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2);
$src = $row2[image];
$name = $row2[name];

echo "<td align=center><img onClick=\"document.getElementById('cb$id').checked=false;document.getElementById('img$id').style.border='0px';\" src=\"/images/items/$src\" style=\"border:0px;\" id=\"img$id\"><br>$name<br><input id=\"cb$id\" type=checkbox name=\"items[]\" value=\"$id\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('img$id').style.border='3px solid green'\"></td>\n";
if($x == 5){
echo "</tr><tr>\n";


echo "<tr><td colspan=5 align=center>\n";
echo "<textarea id=wishlist name=wishlist cols=30 rows=6 onkeyup=\"counterUpdate('wishlist', 'wltxt','250');\"></textarea>\n";
echo "<br>You typed <B><span id=\"wltxt\">0</span></b> characters<br>Max. Length : 250 Chars\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=5 align=center>\n";
echo "<input type=submit value=\"Start Trading\"></td></tr>";
echo "</table></form>\n";

}else {
echo "You do not have any items to trade!";


if($act == go){
$items = $_POST[items];

foreach($items as $sluts){
if($x > 5){
echo "5 items only!";
}else {
	foreach($items as $whores){
		echo "Item #$y [$whores] is not numeric!<br>\n";
		}else {
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM `user_items` WHERE `id` =$whores AND `uid` =$_COOKIE[uid]";
			$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
				if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 0){
				echo "One of those items does not belong to you!<br>\n";
				}else {
					$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
					$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itemid` =$row[itemid]";
					$res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());
					if(mysql_num_rows($res2) == 0){
					echo "One of those items is not a real item!<br>\n";
					}else {
					$wishlist = protect($_POST['wishlist']);
							if(strlen($wishlist > 250)){
							echo "Your wishlist is too much!";
						if($y == 0){                   
						$set = "$whores";
						$set = "|$whores";
							$time = time();
							//$sql = "INSERT INTO `trades` (`uid`,`items`,`wishlist`,`time`) VALUES('$_COOKIE[uid]','$set','$wishlist','$time');";
							//$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
							//$limit = $y-1;
							//$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `trades` WHERE `uid` =$_COOKIE[uid] AND `time` =$time AND `items` ='$set' LIMIT $limit";
							//$res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());


echo "You trade has been created successfully!\n";
}else {



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