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Paginating script help …


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Im using the community e107 and want to hack one of their scripts. The script lists the content in alphabetic order.


I would like to have max 10 results per page and then paginating with next and previous buttons.


Something like this:


< prev 1 2 3 … 9 10 11 next >


How do I make this?


Theres a shortcode in the e107 that is called NEXTPREV


Heres an codeexample for this that Ive gotten from this page:




From e107 Wiki
This code is used to generate the next/previous buttons often found on pages that contain long listings from the database. The following example, will display 30 rows from the database on each page. 
  $from = ($_GET['frm']) ? $_GET['frm'] : 0;
  $view = 30;

  $total = $sql -> db_Select("download", "*", "download_author='$usernm'");
  $sql -> db_Select("download", "*", "download_author='$usernm' LIMIT $from,$view");
  while($row = $sql-> db_Fetch()){
     $text .= "text-here".$row['fieldname'];

$parms = $total_items.",".$view.",".$from.",".e_SELF.'?frm=[FROM]';
$text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}");

echo $text;


Ive tried to insert this into my page but it need to be modified but I cant figure out how. Or have you got any other code I can use.


Heres the the code from the e107 file which lists the content in alphabetic order:



|   This script lists content pages by alphabetical order with buttons for letters
|   Tested for v0.7.7 and it is originally adapted from v0.617:
$lan_file = $plugindir.'languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_toc.php';
include_once(file_exists($lan_file) ? $lan_file : $plugindir.'languages/English/lan_toc.php');

// ##### Display scrolling list of existing content pages ------------------------------------

$text = "";
// -------- SHOW FIRST LETTERS FIRSTNAMES ------------------------------------
$sql = new db;
$distinctfirstletter = $sql -> db_Select("pcontent", "DISTINCT(LEFT(content_heading,1)) as letter", "LEFT(content_parent,1)!='0' ORDER BY content_heading ASC ");
if ($distinctfirstletter != 1){
$text .= "<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."'>
                <table class='fborder' style='width:100%'>
                <tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>".CONTENT_TOC_LAN_3."</td></tr>
                <tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader3'>";
                while($row = $sql-> db_Fetch()){
                        $text .= "<input class='button' style='width:20' type='submit' name='letter' value='".strtoupper($letter)."' />";
                $text .= "
                <input class='button' style='width:20' type='submit' name='letter' value='".CONTENT_TOC_LAN_6."' />
                </table></form> ";

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // -------- CHECK FOR FIRST LETTER SUBMISSION --------------------------------
        $sql = new db;
        if ($_POST['letter'] != "" && $_POST['letter'] != CONTENT_TOC_LAN_6 ) {
                $letter = $_POST['letter'];
                $query = "LEFT(content_parent,1)!='0' AND content_heading LIKE '".$letter."%' ORDER BY content_heading ASC";
        } else {
                        $query = "LEFT(content_parent,1)!='0' ORDER BY content_heading ASC";
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        $sql2 = new db;
        $text .= "<div style='border : solid 1px #000; padding : 4px; width : auto; height : 600px; overflow : auto; '>";
        if($article_total = $sql -> db_Select("pcontent", "*", $query)){
                if($article_total < 50 || $letter || $cat){
                        $text .= "<table class='fborder' style='width:100%'>
                        <td style='width:5%' class='forumheader2'> </td>
                        <td style='width:95%' class='forumheader2'>".CONTENT_TOC_LAN_2."</td>

                        while($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()){
                                $delete_heading = str_replace("&#39;", "\'", $content_heading);
                                if($sql2 -> db_Select("pcontent", "content_heading", "content_id=$content_parent")){
                                        $row = $sql2 -> db_Fetch(); $cs = $row[0];
                                $text .= "<tr>
                                <td style='width:5%; text-align:center' class='forumheader3'><img src='".e_PLUGIN."content/images/content_32.png' alt='' style='border:0' /></td>
                                <td style='width:75%' class='forumheader3'><a href='".e_PLUGIN."content/content.php?content.$content_id'>$content_heading</a> </td>
                        $text .= "</table>";
                } else {
                        $text .= "<br /><div style='text-align:center'>".CONTENT_TOC_LAN_4."</div>";
        } else {
                $text .= "<div style='text-align:center'>".CONTENT_TOC_LAN_1."</div>";
        $text .= "</div>";

        $caption = "".CONTENT_TOC_LAN_5."\n<a href='".e_PLUGIN."content/content.php?'>".CONTENT_TOC_LAN_7."</a>";
        $ns -> tablerender($caption, $text);

// ##### End ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Ive replaced this line


if($article_total = $sql -> db_Select("pcontent", "*", $query)){




$view = 10;			
if($article_total = $sql -> db_Select("pcontent", "*", "$query LIMIT $view")){


to limit the displayed content to 10 only.


Any idea how I can insert paginating???


Thanks a lot




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