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Complete php novice here.  I need to have scripts set up in order for my website to work properly.  Problem is I don't have the slightest idea how to go about setting up the scripts for my website - didn't even know what scripts were until a couple days ago :-[.  In the installation manual for the scripts, I am instructed to "upload and run the config.php file."  How do I access the form from which to upload the file ???  I hope I don't sound totally retarded, but I would really appreciate your help out there! 


Thank you very much,



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I will paste the message here that I had privatly send over email, as it might help the absolute beginner to understand the working of php



The short answer to your question "how to upload a php file" is through ftp.

In case you don't know what ftp is I will explain this to you in short.


ftp is a file transfer protocol which basically allows you to upload files from your computer into the computer where you have your website.

See for more information about ftp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Transfer_Protocol


A free ftp program which allows you to upload files (including but not limited to php files) can be found at:



However, and here it comes:

To run php scripts, your web host (the company where you have your website hosted) needs to have php installed.


php is a script that is being executed (controlled) by the server. Java script is being done on the visitors computer.


A php page that you see in your browser when you surf is the result of the server.


The good news is that almost every web host has php installed. If you upload the php file though ftp on to the server, you do not have to do anything to make it work.

Lets say your php file is called test.php and located in the main directory of your website (the directory where your index.html is located) you can simply surf to www.yoursite.com/test.php and the server will process the php file and gives you the result.


Try to see php as vegetables, the server as a restaurant, the meal as the resulting php page in your browser and the customer as a visitor of your website.

As a customer you request a meal (php web page), the restaurant (server) converts the vegetables (php script) for you into a meal (php page in your browser) and you can enjoy your food.


Now a java script cook, would do like this:

As a customer you request a meal (html web page) the restaurant (server) gives you the vegetables (java script) and your mother (your computer) will prepare the meal for you.


I think that's the best explanation I ever gave to someone about the working of php :D


I hope you understand it a little better now?

Kind regards,


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