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[SOLVED] Need help understanding OOP in this simple (suppose to be) script using DOM...??


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I will PayPal you $50 if you answer this for me!!!


I'm having a heck of a time doing what I want with this XML document: http://angelleye.com/phpTraining/XML_Parsing_Samples/fmresultset.xml


I think the primary problem is that I'm not understanding OOP as well as I need to.  With that XML that I provided I've setup the following PHP script:


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$xmlDom = new DOMDocument();

$xmlDom -> load("fmresultset.xml");

$xmlDomXPath = new DOMXPath($xmlDom);

$records = $xmlDomXPath -> query("/fmresultset/resultset/record");

$recordCount = $records -> length;

foreach($records as $record) 
{ //for each <record> returned...

$fields = $record -> getElementsByTagName("field");

foreach($fields as $field) 
{ //for each <field> in the <record> parse out all data needed.

	$fieldName = $field -> getAttribute("name");

	if($fieldName == "Ref_Number") 
		$Ref_Number = $field -> nodeValue;
	elseif($fieldName == "Qty_Available")
		$Qty_Available = $field -> nodeValue;
	elseif($fieldName == "Purchase_Order_Items::Condition")
		$Condition = $field -> nodeValue;


//now that i have my values stored i can move on and do 
//what i need with them for this current <record>
echo "RefNumber: " . $Ref_Number . "<br />
      Qty. Available: " . $Qty_Available . "<br />
	  Condition: " . $Condition . "<br /><br />";



That drives me crazy that it has to loop through every <field> like that and check the value of the attribute to see if it's the correct one or not in order to store the value into a variable.  If I could make use of the DOMXPath methods inside of the foreach() loop then I could do what I want.  I don't understand why the following doesn't work:


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$xmlDom = new DOMDocument();

$xmlDom -> load("fmresultset.xml");

$xmlDomXPath = new DOMXPath($xmlDom);

$records = $xmlDomXPath -> query("/fmresultset/resultset/record");

$recordCount = $records -> length;

foreach($records as $record) 
{ //for each <record> returned...

$Ref_Number = $record -> evaluate("/field[@name='Ref_Number']/data");
$Qty_Available = $record -> evaluate("/field[@name='Qty_Available']/data");
$Condition = $record -> evaluate("/field[@name='Qty_Available']/data");

//now that i have my values stored i can move on and do 
//what i need with them for this current <record>
echo "RefNumber: " . $Ref_Number . "<br />
      Qty. Available: " . $Qty_Available . "<br />
	  Condition: " . $Condition . "<br /><br />";



When I do that I get the error: Call to undefined method DOMElement::evaluate()


evaluate() is a DOMXPath method that "Evaluates the given XPath expression and returns a typed result if possible" according to php.net documentation.  The only methods I can get to work within the foreach() loop are DOMDocument methods the way I used getElementsByTagName().  That grabs ALL <field> elements, though, and then I have to loop through them all to check the attribute value's like I've done in that first code sample.  This is not very efficient code.  There's gotta be a way that I use XPath queries on each $record within the foreach() loop to grab exactly the value I'm looking for.  I've been trying to figure it out for 3 weeks, though, with no luck.


Any information I can get on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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Question has been answered!!!


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$xmlDom = new DOMDocument();

$xmlDom -> load("fmresultset.xml");

$xmlDomXPath = new DOMXPath($xmlDom);

$records = $xmlDomXPath -> query("/fmresultset/resultset/record");

$recordCount = $records -> length;

foreach($records as $record) 
{ //for each <record> returned...

        $Ref_Number = $xmlDomXPath -> evaluate("field[@name='Ref_Number']/data", $record);
        $Qty_Available = $xmlDomXPath -> evaluate("field[@name='Qty_Available']/data", $record);
        $Condition = $xmlDomXPath -> evaluate("field[@name='Purchase_Order_Items::Condition']/data", $record);

        //now that i have my values stored i can move on and do 
        //what i need with them for this current <record>
        echo "RefNumber: " . $Ref_Number->item(0)->nodeValue . "<br />
              Qty. Available: " . $Qty_Available->item(0)->nodeValue . "<br />
                  Condition: " . $Condition->item(0)->nodeValue . "<br /><br />";



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  • 4 months later...

'My hosting at linux based server' I have this error "domdocument() [function.domdocument]: Start tag expected, '<' not found in /server/myfile.php on line 3"


whats the problem plz help me.

and my code is:  ???


$dom = new DomDocument('1.0');

$dom->formatOutput = true;

$dir =  $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('dir'));


$db = new DB();



$sqlSel = "SELECT image_name FROM tbl_uploaded WHERE customer_id='".$_SESSION['user_id']."' OR session_id='".$_SESSION['sessId']."'";

$rsSel = $db->openRs($sqlSel);


$mydir = "uploaded/";

$d = dir($mydir);


while ($rowSel = $db->retRow($rsSel)){

$file = $dir->appendChild($dom->createElement('file', 'uploaded/'.$rowSel[0]));




$dom->formatOutput = true;




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