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[SOLVED] Cookie won't set.


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I just made a login script and I made it so the user could check if they want to stay logged in forever. But when they check the box the cookie won't initiate. If they don't check the box, the session registers just fine.



if (isset($_POST['stay_logged'])){ 
      setcookie("sid", $row['userID'], time()+360000); 
} else { 
      $_SESSION['sid'] = $row['userID']; 



I made sure that $_POST['stay_logged'] was set, so thats not the problem.


Any help with this is greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Is it maybe because "$row['userID']" holds a boolean value? My "userID" is 1.


Here is what the Manuel says:

Because setting a cookie with a value of FALSE will try to delete the cookie, you should not use boolean values. Instead, use 0 for FALSE  and 1 for TRUE.


Is there away around this IF this is what is causing the problem?

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Found the problem, I had it redirecting after the cookie sent, so it redirected so fast I couldn't see the error.


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/colin/public_html/config.php:26) in /home/colin/public_html/check_login.php on line 16


I complete understand what that error means, but there was no output started in my config file...the only code that is there is the database connection, absolutely no output. Why would I be getting this error?

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It's giving me the header error again all of the sudden...I didn't change anything 0_0




$dbh=mysql_connect("***","***","***") or die("....");
$db = mysql_select_db(***,$dbh)or die("----");

function clean($str){
   $str = trim(mysql_real_escape_string($str));
return $str;

function error($msg){
   if (!empty($msg)){
      echo "<center><font color='red'><b>Error(s)</b></font><br>";
         foreach ($msg as $key => $val){
            echo "<li><b>$val</b></li>";
      echo '<p>';

function msg($str){
   echo "<b>Success!</b><br>";
   echo "$str<p>";


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That was the full config file....here are ALL the files relating to this:




$dbh=mysql_connect("***","***","***") or die("....");
$db = mysql_select_db(***,$dbh)or die("----");

function clean($str){
   $str = trim(mysql_real_escape_string($str));
return $str;

function error($msg){
   if (!empty($msg)){
      echo "<center><font color='red'><b>Error(s)</b></font><br>";
         foreach ($msg as $key => $val){
            echo "<li><b>$val</b></li>";
      echo '<p>';

function msg($str){
   echo "<b>Success!</b><br>";
   echo "$str<p>";



LOGIN FORM [index.php]

<form action="check_login.php" method="POST">
   <table width="300" cellpadding=3>
      <td colspan=2>
         <td class="medium">
         <td class="light">
            <input type="text" name="username"></td>
            <td class="medium">
            <td class="light">
               <input type="password" name="password"></td>
               <td colspan=2 class="medium">
                  <input type="checkbox" name="stay_logged">
                  <i>Stay logged in forever?</i></td>
                  <td colspan=2>
                     <input type="submit" name="go" value="Login"></td>


CHECK_LOGIN.PHP [The page it goes to when you try logging in]

session_start(); //This will cause a header already sent error...but I don't know a way around 
//that when trying to set a cookie.

include 'config.php';

$login = $_POST['username'];
$pass = md5($_POST['password']);

//see if they got the correct info
$chkInfo = mysql_query("SELECT userID FROM users WHERE login='$login' && password='$pass'");
   if (mysql_num_rows($chkInfo) > 0){
      //check if they want to stay logged in
      $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($chkInfo);
      if (isset($_POST['stay_logged'])){ 
         setcookie("sid", $row['userID'], time()+360000, "/public_html/", ".colinscode.com"); 
      } else { 
         $_SESSION['sid'] = $row['userID']; 
      echo '<script language="javaScript">
      window.location = "news.php?login=yes"
   } else {
      $error[] = "Wrong login/password Combination.";
      echo '<a href="index.php">Try Again</a>';


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Make sure in the config file, there is not an extra space after the ?> or before <?php tags. If there is that can be read as being ouput to the screen.


That was it Frost, I had 2 extra lines. I wasn't aware that there could be output without a command.


Thank you very very much =]

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