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I have created a package of utilities written for PHP 5.  I would very much appreciate it if any users gave it a try, and even more if they left some feedback.  The goal of the tools is to take care of commonly run into problems, but I also want them to be distinct (so you can pick and choose) and simple to understand and use.  I believe the target audience is a newcomer to PHP who hasn't already constructed his own tools or adopted larger tools (such as ADODB).  There are utilities for database querying, templating, benchmarking to name a few.


They're available at sourceforge (linked in my signature) and also from my site (with some sample uses) http://vaultedceilings.net


Thanks in advance, Buyo

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In your IncludeManager class you have the following method:


function get($file) {
static $previous_includes = array();
if ($previous_includes[$file])
	return true;
if (!exists($file))
	return false;
$previous_includes[$file] = true;
include(INCLUDE_MANAGER_PATH . $file);
return true;


I believe that the following is tautologically equivalent to your code without the added overhead of the $previous_includes hash:


function get($file) {
return (exists($file) ? include_once(INCLUDE_MANAGER_PATH . $file) : false);


I haven't looked too closely at everything else --but I think you have some good stuff here. 


On a side note: Are you still looking for some folks to start an open source project?  If so, drop me a line.





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Thanks for the reply, the real point of the get method is the hash table.  The reason for the hash table is to avoid having to call include_once.  Basically it's a trade off between memory for execution speed.  Every time you call include_once you break out of execution and do a system call to check whether the file was already included.  The hash table takes some extra memory but eliminates the extra system call.

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