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Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in


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hi all, im a newby in this php thing.


im doing a websites which use the oop php structure. im using php 4.4.8


somehow, i got this problem occur:


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/crmctt/someDir/someName.php on line 153


the code will be some thing like this:


	// IncidentModel.php
	// this model class stores only business logic
	// data is stored in the entity class

include_once MODELPATH . 'Model.php';
include ENTPATH . 'Incident.php';
include ENTPATH . 'IncidentType.php';
include ENTPATH . 'ServerDomain.php';
include ENTPATH . 'ServerHostName.php';
include ENTPATH . 'ServerIP.php';
include ENTPATH . 'ServerLocation.php';
include ENTPATH . 'FQDN.php';
include ENTPATH . 'DateTime.php';

class IncidentModel extends Model
	var $addSuccess;
	var $incident;
	var $loc;
	var $dom;
	var $host;

		// Constructor: IncidentModel()
		// Description: The incident model of the system
		// Parameter: $request->httpPost = the information posted by the member
	function IncidentModel($request = NULL, $user = NULL, $dao = NULL)
		// super constructor 
		$this->Model($request, $user, $dao);


		// Method: ProcessRequest()
		// Description: Process the request
	function ProcessRequest()
		// local variables
		$fqdn = NULL;
		$type = NULL;
		$email = NULL;
		$startDateTime = NULL;
		$endDateTime = NULL;

		// validation

		// fqdn: after everything gone ok then the fqdn will be available at $this->fqdn
		$fqdn = $this->GetFQDN(
			'Please make sure the selection of FQDN is correct');

		// validate the type of incident
			'Please select a type of incident.'))
			// query database to get the complete information 
			// create type object
			$type = new IncidentType($this->request->httpPost['ABM_type'], 'some action');

		// time and date
		// start date time
		$startDateTime = new DateTime(
		$this->ValidateDateTime($startDateTime, 'The start time and date information provided is invalid, please re-check.');
		// end date time
		$endDateTime = new DateTime(
		$this->ValidateDateTime($endDateTime, 'The end time and date information provided is invalid, please re-check.');
		$this->ValidateDateRange($startDateTime, $endDateTime, 
			'The date range provided is invalid, please check the time and date settings.');

		// the reason
		$this->ValidateIsBlank($this->request->httpPost['ABM_reason'], 'Please fill in the reason field');

		// the description
		$this->ValidateIsBlank($this->request->httpPost['ABM_description'], 'Please fill in the description field');

		// the email
		// first, we strip off the spaces
		if(!$this->ValidateIsBlank($this->request->httpPost['ABM_email'], 'Please enter an email address'))
			$email = str_replace(' ', '', $this->request->httpPost['ABM_email']);
			// then we explode the list
			$email = explode(',', $email);
			// next we loop through the array
			for($i = 0; $i < count($email); $i++)
					'The email address %email% entered is invalid.');

		// object instantiation 

		// everything is checked
		// create the entity with complete/broken information
		$this->SetIncident(new Incident(

		// database access & email triggering 

		// query to the database if everything is okay
		// check the statusMsg
			// data access through the data access object
			$this->dao->ExecuteQuery(sprintf("INSERT INTO `incident`" . 
				" (`fID`, `uID`, `inTypeID`, `inStartDateTime`, `inEndDateTime`, `inReason`, `inDescription`, `inEmail`, `inLastUpdate`)" .
				" VALUES(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)",
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->fqdn->GetFID(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->user->GetID(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->type->GetTypeID(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->startDateTime->GetTimestamp(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()), 


the line 153 will be:


mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->startDateTime->GetTimestamp(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),


can anyone help me on this?  ???

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That means that something you thought is an object actually isn't one.  Try checking each one individually until you find the culprit.  You can use var_dump(), and/or is_object().  Put your checks on the line before the line with the error.  You'll need to check $this->incident, then $this->incident->startDateTime, and so on.

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hi btherl, thx for ur quick reply.


i hv used the var_dump() to check on the error line. this error come out:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/someDir/someName.php on line 154


line 154 still refer to the same error line before and i got no idea what is it.

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this code is more detail


$this->dao->ExecuteQuery(sprintf("INSERT INTO `incident`" . 
				" (`fID`, `uID`, `inTypeID`, `inStartDateTime`, `inEndDateTime`, `inReason`, `inDescription`, `inEmail`, `inLastUpdate`)" .
				" VALUES(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)",
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->fqdn->GetFID(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->user->GetID(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->type->GetTypeID(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				var_dump() // <---- i have added this to the code to check
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->startDateTime->GetTimestamp(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()), // <---- the code line that generate the error
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->endDateTime->GetTimestamp(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->GetReason(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->GetDescription(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string($this->incident->GetEmail(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()),
				mysql_real_escape_string(time(), $this->dao->GetDBConn()))); 

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ikanku, remove the var_dump() you added and add this code outside your ExecuteQuery (on the line before):


print "\$this->incident looks like this: ";var_dump($this->incident);print "<br>\n";
print "\$this->incident->startDateTime looks like this: ";var_dump($this->incident->startDateTime);print "<br>\n";
$this->dao->ExecuteQuery( ...


And see what it outputs.  It should tell you exactly which thing is not an object.  Then you need to work out why it isn't an object.

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