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I've recently completed my website using PHP and MySQL.  During the development of my website I looked to PHPFreaks for some coding help and I say thanks.  I was going to post my site for beta testing earlier but didn't feel is was suitable for viewing at the time.  Now I feel that it is suitable for viewing and ask PHPFreaks to help with any errors, bug, glitches, and security issues, if any are present.


There is something that I've been trying to figure out.  I want to put the amount of posts in my forums but I'm unclear on what to do to count the posts and display that next to the forum title.


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Full Path Disclosure:

There is Full Path Disclosure if the PHPSESSID cookie is set to an invalid value.

Warning: session_start(): The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in /home/content/s/a/u/sauloa/html/index.php on line 55


Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/s/a/u/sauloa/html/index.php:55) in /home/content/s/a/u/sauloa/html/index.php on line 55


Warning: session_regenerate_id(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/s/a/u/sauloa/html/index.php:55) in /home/content/s/a/u/sauloa/html/index.php on line 59


Session Fixation:


Hey agentsteal,


I click on the link that you posted and it sends me directly to the home page.  What browser are you using?  Am I supposed get the same error you get by clicking on the link you posted?  I'm not a PHP expert so you might have to explain things more to me.

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