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[SOLVED] New Error 500 on script


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Hi everyone,


Glad to see that there is another php forum for us stupid newbies :P


Here's my problem. I know what usually causes an error 500, but this seems like an exception.


I am running a small torrent tracker community for music freaks, and until we got about 70 users, the upload worked fine. Then it just suddenly stopped. I don't know if this could be related to the users at all (I HIGHLY doubt it), but I don't know where else to look.


Here's the relevant page:

ini_set("upload_max_filesize" ,"$max_torrent_size");

function bark($msg) {
genbark($msg, "Upload failed!");
iplogger ();
maxsysop ();

if ($CURUSER["uploadpos"] == 'no')

foreach(explode(":","descr:type:name") as $v) {
if (!isset($_POST[$v]))
	bark("missing form data");

if (!isset($_FILES["file"]))
bark("missing form data");

$f = $_FILES["file"];
$fname = unesc($f["name"]);
if (empty($fname))
    bark("Empty filename!");
if ($_POST['uplver'] == 'yes') {
$anonymous = "yes";
$anon = "Anonymous";
else {
$anonymous = "no";
$anon = $CURUSER["username"];

$nfofile = $_FILES['nfo'];
if ($nfofile['name'] != '') {

if ($nfofile['size'] == 0)
bark("0-byte NFO");

if ($nfofile['size'] > 65535000000000)
bark("NFO is too big! Max 65,535 bytes.");

$nfofilename = $nfofile['tmp_name'];

if (@!is_uploaded_file($nfofilename))
bark("NFO upload failed");

$descr = unesc($_POST["descr"]);
if (!$descr)
  bark("You must enter a description!");

$catid = (0 + $_POST["type"]);
if (!is_valid_id($catid))
bark("You must select a category to put the torrent in!");

if (!validfilename($fname))
bark("Invalid filename!");
if (!preg_match('/^(.+)\.torrent$/si', $fname, $matches))
bark("Invalid filename (not a .torrent).");
$shortfname = $torrent = $matches[1];
if (!empty($_POST["name"]))
$torrent = unesc($_POST["name"]);

$tmpname = $f["tmp_name"];
if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname))
if (!filesize($tmpname))
bark("Empty file!");

$dict = bdec_file($tmpname, $max_torrent_size);
if (!isset($dict))
bark("What did you upload? This is not an encoded file!");

function dict_check($d, $s) {
if ($d["type"] != "dictionary")
	bark("not a dictionary");
$a = explode(":", $s);
$dd = $d["value"];
$ret = array();
foreach ($a as $k) {
	if (preg_match('/^(.*)\((.*)\)$/', $k, $m)) {
		$k = $m[1];
		$t = $m[2];
	if (!isset($dd[$k]))
		bark("dictionary is missing key(s)");
	if (isset($t)) {
		if ($dd[$k]["type"] != $t)
			bark("invalid entry in dictionary");
		$ret[] = $dd[$k]["value"];
		$ret[] = $dd[$k];
return $ret;

function dict_get($d, $k, $t) {
if ($d["type"] != "dictionary")
	bark("not a dictionary");
$dd = $d["value"];
if (!isset($dd[$k]))
$v = $dd[$k];
if ($v["type"] != $t)
	bark("invalid dictionary entry type");
return $v["value"];

list($ann, $info) = dict_check($dict, "announce(string):info");
list($dname, $plen, $pieces) = dict_check($info, "name(string):piece length(integer):pieces(string)");

if (!in_array($ann, $announce_urls, 1))
foreach($announce_urls as $au)
	if($ann=="$au?passkey=$CURUSER[passkey]")  $aok=true;
	bark("Invalid announce url! Must be: " . $announce_urls[0] . "?passkey=$CURUSER[passkey]");

if (strlen($pieces) % 20 != 0)
bark("invalid pieces");

$filelist = array();
$totallen = dict_get($info, "length", "integer");
if (isset($totallen)) {
$filelist[] = array($dname, $totallen);
$type = "single";
else {
$flist = dict_get($info, "files", "list");
if (!isset($flist))
	bark("missing both length and files");
if (!count($flist))
	bark("no files");
$totallen = 0;
foreach ($flist as $fn) {
	list($ll, $ff) = dict_check($fn, "length(integer):path(list)");
	$totallen += $ll;
	$ffa = array();
	foreach ($ff as $ffe) {
		if ($ffe["type"] != "string")
			bark("filename error");
		$ffa[] = $ffe["value"];
	if (!count($ffa))
		bark("filename error");
	$ffe = implode("/", $ffa);
	$filelist[] = array($ffe, $ll);
$type = "multi";

$infohash = pack("H*", sha1($info["string"]));

// Replace punctuation characters with spaces

$torrent = str_replace("_", " ", $torrent);

$nfo = sqlesc(str_replace("\x0d\x0d\x0a", "\x0d\x0a", @file_get_contents($nfofilename)));

$ret = sql_query("INSERT INTO torrents (search_text, filename, owner, visible, anonymous, info_hash, name, size, numfiles, type, descr, ori_descr, category, save_as, added, last_action, nfo) VALUES (" .
	implode(",", array_map("sqlesc", array(searchfield("$shortfname $dname $torrent"), $fname, $CURUSER["id"], "no", $anonymous, $infohash, $torrent, $totallen, count($filelist), $type, $descr, $descr, 0 + $_POST["type"], $dname))) .
	", '" . get_date_time() . "', '" . get_date_time() . "', $nfo)");
if (!$ret) {
if (mysql_errno() == 1062)
	bark("torrent already uploaded!");
bark("mysql puked: ".mysql_error());
$id = mysql_insert_id();

@sql_query("DELETE FROM files WHERE torrent = $id");
foreach ($filelist as $file) {
@sql_query("INSERT INTO files (torrent, filename, size) VALUES ($id, ".sqlesc($file[0]).",".$file[1].")");

move_uploaded_file($tmpname, "$torrent_dir/$id.torrent");

//===add karma

if ($CURUSER["anonymous"]=='yes')
write_log("Torrent $id ($torrent) was uploaded by an anonymous user");
write_log("Torrent $id ($torrent) was uploaded by $CURUSER[username]");

//===notify people who voted on offer===\\
if (isset($_POST['offer'])) {
$res = mysql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `offervotes` WHERE `userid` != " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `offerid` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$pn_msg = "The Offer you voted for: \"$torrent\" was uploaded by " . $CURUSER["username"] . ".\nYou can Download the Torrent [url=$DEFAULTBASEURL/details.php?id=$id&hit=1]here[/url]";

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
//=== use this if you DO have subject in your PMs
$subject = "Offer $torrent was just uploaded";
//=== use this if you DO NOT have subject in your PMs
//$some_variable .= "(0, 0, $row[userid], '" . get_date_time() . "', " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")";

//=== use this if you DO have subject in your PMs
mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, subject, receiver, added, msg) VALUES (0, 0, ".sqlesc($subject).", $row[userid], ".sqlesc(get_date_time()).", " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
//=== use this if you do NOT have subject in your PMs
//mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, receiver, added, msg) VALUES ".$some_variable."") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
//=== delete all offer stuff
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `offers` WHERE `id` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0));
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `offervotes` WHERE `offerid` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0));
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE `offer` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0). "");
//=== end notify people who voted on offer

/* Email notifs*/ 

$res = sql_query("SELECT name FROM categories WHERE id=$catid") or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$cat = $arr["name"];
$res = sql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE enabled='yes' AND parked='no' AND status='confirmed' AND notifs LIKE '%[cat$catid]%' AND notifs LIKE '%[email]%'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

$uploader = $anon;

$size = mksize($totallen);
$description = ($html ? strip_tags($descr) : $descr);

$body = <<<EOD

A new torrent has been uploaded.

Name: $torrent
Size: $size 
Category:  $cat 
Uploaded by: $uploader 


You can use the URL below to download the torrent (you may have to login).



$to = "";
$nmax = 1000000000; // Max recipients per message
$nthis = 0;
$ntotal = 0;
$total = mysql_num_rows($res);
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_row($res))
  if ($nthis == 0)
    $to = $arr[0];
    $to .= "," . $arr[0];
  if ($nthis == $nmax || $ntotal == $total)
  $sm = sent_mail("Multiple recipients <$SITEEMAIL>",$SITENAME,$SITEEMAIL,"$SITENAME New torrent - $torrent",$body,"torrent upload",false,true,$to);
  if (!$sm)
  stderr("Error", "Your torrent has been been uploaded. DO NOT RELOAD THE PAGE!\n" .
    "There was however a problem delivering the e-mail notifcations.\n" .
    "Please let an administrator know about this error!\n");
    $nthis = 0;
header("Location: $BASEURL/details.php?id=".htmlspecialchars($id)."&uploaded=1");



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I know that .htaccess files sometimes spit out error 500s, but not so in this case.


The weird thing is that this happened several other times, using the same code, each time permanant. ???


Thanks for your thoughts!

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Sounds like time for debugging.


I suggest using this:


die("Code got to here");


After each statement and move it if succesful, this should narrow it down to the right line.




// die("Code included benc"); if it got to here comment out and than move this down one as seen below
die("Code included bittorent");
ini_set("upload_max_filesize" ,"$max_torrent_size");

function bark($msg) {
genbark($msg, "Upload failed!");
iplogger ();
maxsysop ();


Do that throughout the whole script till you get the 500 error message, that means that the line above is throwing the error.

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So, Now I have isolated the error. Everything looks alright to me, but then, I am a n00b ;)


//Here's our little error!	

$dict = bdec_file($tmpname, $max_torrent_size);
if (!isset($dict))
bark("What did you upload? This is not an encoded file!");

// End Error

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Throw the debug code in there too and see exactly where it is stopping it


function bdec_file($f, $ms) {
$fp = fopen($f, "rb");
  die('failed here'); //etc...	
if (!$fp)
$e = fread($fp, $ms);
return bdec($e);

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Note:  If you just want to get the contents of a file into a string, use file_get_contents() as it has much better performance than the code above.


Try this instead:


function bdec_file($f, $ms) {
$str = file_get_contents($f) OR return;
return $str;


Would that work out for you?

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OK thanks! That worked great. Unfortunately, now the next function is goofing up... We love php...


function dict_check($d, $s) {
if ($d["type"] != "dictionary")
	bark("not a dictionary"); // This is what I get when I run the takeupload.php
$a = explode(":", $s);
$dd = $d["value"];
$ret = array();
foreach ($a as $k) {
	if (preg_match('/^(.*)\((.*)\)$/', $k, $m)) {
		$k = $m[1];
		$t = $m[2];
	if (!isset($dd[$k]))
		bark("dictionary is missing key(s)");
	if (isset($t)) {
		if ($dd[$k]["type"] != $t)
			bark("invalid entry in dictionary");
		$ret[] = $dd[$k]["value"];
		$ret[] = $dd[$k];
return $ret;

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I end up getting the bark: not a dictionary.  This is not an error per se with this part of the code, I think. Anything we can do about this one?


I really appreciate this help, by the way. I don't know where I would be without it :P



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