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// run query 1-16

$result = mysql_query($query);


// run query 17

$result = mysql_query($query17);


// run query 18

$result = mysql_query($query18);


// run query 19

$result = mysql_query($query19);


// run query 20

$result = mysql_query($query20);


// run query 21

$result = mysql_query($query21);


// run query 22

$result = mysql_query($query22);


// run query 23

$result = mysql_query($query23);


// run query 24

$result = mysql_query($query24);


// run query 25

$result = mysql_query($query25);


// connect to database //

$dbh = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $db);

if (!$dbh) {

    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());


// close transaction //




and than my variables

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Here is my actual code now:














mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $db);



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your code doesn't seem to make any sense to me..

maybe I'm just being tired and stupid, but how is the mysql_query suppossed to take place before you've connected to the database?

also listing the queries like you have doesn't seem to be doing anything either.

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a mysql query along with the connection should look something like this:

mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $db); //this connects to thte database

$sql = "INSERT INTO TABLENAME (`CELL1`, `CELL2`, `CELL3`, `CELL4`) VALUES ('VALUE1', 'VALUE2', 'VALUE3', 'VALUE3') WHERE `CELL1` = 'VALUE' LIMIT 1"; //this inserts data
if($result = mysql_query($sql)){ //this checks if the insert worked, if so echos to say so
	echo "mysql query successfull";
	echo "Query failed<br />\n".mysql_error()."\n"; //otherwise it throws up an error

mysql_close() //this closes thte connection

you need to change TABLENAME to the name of the table and CELL1, CELL2 etc to thte corresp[onding cel names in thte table for the values.


I hope that helps.

What are you actually trying to do? add to a database or remove? or even just read from it?

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setup your querys as an array



$querys[0] = "INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (null)";
$querys[1] = "INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (null)";
$querys[2] = "INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (null)";
$querys[3] = "INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (null)";

foreach($querys as $query => $structure){
       mysql_query($structure) or die(mysql_error());


that off the top of my head but i think it will work

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yeah, that should work..

Just a slight edit, to how I'd prefer to do it ;)

mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $db); //this connects to the database

$querys[0] = "INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (null)";
$querys[1] = "INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (null)";
$querys[2] = "INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (null)";
$querys[3] = "INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (null)";

foreach($querys as $query => $structure){
if($result = mysql_query($structure)){ //this checks if the insert worked, if so echos to say so
	echo "mysql query successfull";
	echo "Query failed<br />\n".mysql_error()."\n"; //otherwise it throws up an error

mysql_close() //this closes thte connection

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