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Read data from TXT file HELP!


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Hi all, I'm need a rather simple script which will do the following:


Open a text file which will look something like this:



basically its a "Link n" text followed by a URL text in the format of "http://www.page.com/random numbers"


What I would like the php script to do is to read "Link n" text and output it with the a http link to the URL which follows it. That is it should look something like this in the output:


<a href="http://www.blahblah.com/1651561">Link 1</a><br>

<a href="http://www.etc.com/34324">Link 2</a><br>

<a href="http://www.sdfkjsdf.com/12343423">Link 3</a><br>


I have learned how to read a text file with php so far but I have no idea how to make it read up to a point and assign the read value to an array.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance :D


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$file = file('link.txt');
$links = "";
foreach ($file as $line) {
     list($name, $link) = split(" http://", $line);
     $links .= '<a href="http://' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a>';
echo $links;


It can probably be done better with www.php.net/preg functions, but this works also.

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$file = file('link.txt') or die('Some error happened include the file.'); // be sure to change the link.txt
$links = "";
if (is_array($file)) {
foreach ($file as $line) {
     list($name, $link) = split(" http://", $line);
     $links .= '<a href="http://' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a>';
echo $links;
}else {
   echo 'Guess what, there was either no file, no data or the data was not on separate lines.';


Make sure you change the link.txt to the actual file, also make sure that the data is as you posted and seperated out in lines IE:





As the script needs it to be on new lines due to the www.php.net/file function.

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wow, thats cool it works, however i have encountered another problem,


I am getting the links from a file named the same as one of the items in my db and to do so i have tried to do this:

$file = file('uploads/texts/{$row_pro[0]['pname']}.txt') or die('Some error happened include the file.'); // be sure to change the link.txt

$links = "";

if (is_array($file)) {

foreach ($file as $line) {

    list($name, $link) = split(" http://", $line);

    $links .= '<a href="http://' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a>';


echo $links;

}else {

  echo 'Guess what, there was either no file, no data or the data was not on separate lines.';


where {$row_pro[0]['pname']} is the name of the database entry (worked for normal echo stuff e.g. $links = "uploads/texts/{$row_pro[0]['pname']}.txt"; $fh = fopen($links, 'r');  and so on to echo)


but when i insert {$row_pro[0]['pname']} into your code it says Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING


What am I doing wrong?


p.s. i need it to read the file name from db because there will be a lot of these different files, different one for every different page

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$file = file('uploads/texts/' . $row_pro[0]['pname'] . '.txt') or die('Some error happened include the file.'); // be sure to change the link.txt


Single quotes either do not understand the { } or do not like the ' ' in the array index and should be " " . Either contact it as seen above or change the single to double.

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:o you are the best! hehehe thanks for helping me so much!!


one last thing, i changed it a little:


$file = file('uploads/texts/' . $row_pro[0]['pname'] . '.txt');

if (file_exists($file)) {

$links = "";
foreach ($file as $line) {
     list($name, $link) = split(" http://", $line);
     $links .= '<a href="http://' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a><br>';
$dlinks .= $links;
else {
        $dlinks .= <<<HTML
        <br/><b>Links are not ready (or have been removed), come back another time</b>
        HTML; }


but i am getting this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE


where did i go wrong in the syntax....thanks in advance again!!! you guys are very very helpful

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if (file_exists($file)) {
$links = "";
foreach ($file as $line) {
     list($name, $link) = split(" http://", $line);
     $links .= '' . $name . '
} // close for
$dlinks .= $links;
}else { // close if
        $dlinks .= <<<HTML
Links are not ready (or have been removed), come back another time
        HTML; } // close else

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thanks a million, you are so patient with me (i have limited php knowledge as i am sure you can tell).


Somehow when i paste the whole code:


$dlinksFile = file('uploads/texts/' . $row_pro[0]['pname'] . '.txt');

if (file_exists($dlinksFile)) {
$links = "";
foreach ($file as $line) {
     list($name, $link) = split(" http://", $line);
     $links .= '<a href="http://' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a><br>';


$dlinks .= $links;


else {

$dlinks .= <<<HTML
<br/><b>Links are not ready (or have been removed), come back another time</b>



into my php file i get this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING


which falls under this line:

$tplt = @file_get_contents(ROOT_DIR.'/templates/'.$config['skin'].'/portfolio.tpl');


which has nothing to do with what I was doing, as soon as i remove the links code it works...


any ideas?

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here is the code for the whole php file:


* My module (portfolio.php)
// vim: expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
// style coding K&R

if(!defined('DATALIFEENGINE')) {
    die("This file cannot be acessed directly!");

// required files

*              Main variables              *

// locale
  $table_bd1  = PREFIX."_proekts_cat";
  $table_bd2  = PREFIX."_proekts";

// cache file
  $file_cache = "portfolio_cat";
// path to images
  $path = $config['http_home_url'];
// content variable
  $content  = '';
// cell variable
  $add_cell = '';
// cell variable 2
  $add_cell_pro ='';
// category menu variable
  $cat_menu = '';
// module info variable
  $modul_info = '';
// link variable
  $link = '';
// modrewrite variable
  $chpu = $config_pf['chpu'];
// get current page
  $page  = intval(@$_GET['page']);

// get category numbers
  $row_cat = get_cache_cat($file_cache, $table_bd1);
  $get_count_cat = count($row_cat);

// get project numbers
  $row_pro = $db -> super_query("SELECT id FROM {$table_bd2}", TRUE);
  $get_count_pro = (gettype($row_pro) == "array") ? count($row_pro) : 0;

*     Category display      *
// if there is at least one category show it
  if ($get_count_cat > 0) {

      $cat_menu .= '<table width="100%" height="100%" class="cat_navigation"><tr>';

    // number of category rows
      $c_tr = 0;

    // show category list
      for ($i = 0; $i < $get_count_cat; $i++) {

  	    // Sort into 9 columns
  	      if (($i % 9 ==  && ($i != 0)) {
  	  	      $tr1 = '';
  	  	      $tr2 = '</tr><tr>';

  	      } else {
  	  	      $tr1 = '';
  	  	      $tr2 = '';

  	      // modrewrite support
  	        if($chpu == 1) {
  	        	$linkc = "<a href=\"{$path}portfolio/cat_{$row_cat[$i]['catnamelat']}\">";
  	        } else {
  	        	$linkc = "<a href=\"{$path}index.php?do=portfolio&cat={$row_cat[$i]['catnamelat']}\">";

  	       $cat_menu .= $tr1.
  	           '<td style="padding:3px; padding-left: 10px; border: 1px solid #F0F0F0;">
  	            <img src="{THEME}/images/pf/pointer.gif" width="15" height="15" />
  	            '.$linkc . $row_cat[$i]['catname'].'</a></td>'.$tr2;

    // add blank cells if neede
      if ($get_count_cat % 3 == 0) {
          $add_cell = '';
      } else {
          for ($k = 0; $k < ((3 * ($c_tr + 1)) - $get_count_cat); $k++)
              $add_cell .= '<td style="padding:3px; padding-left: 10px; border: 1px solid #F0F0F0">   </td>';

      $cat_menu .= $add_cell.'</tr></table>';

// if no categories available display this message
  } else {
  $cat_menu = '<div id="fh3"> - There are currently no categories - </div>';

// Information block
  $modul_info .=<<<HTML
      <table width="100%" height="100%">
          <td class="pf_info"  style="padding-left:20px; border-bottom:1px solid #F0F0F0;">
           <b>Statistics </b></td></tr>
          <td class="pf_info">
            <img src="{THEME}/images/pf/pointer1.gif" width="13" height="9" />
           Categories: {$get_count_cat} </td></tr>
          <td class="pf_info">
            <img src="{THEME}/images/pf/pointer1.gif" width="13" height="9" />
           Titles:  {$get_count_pro} </td></tr>

  // If no category chosen, show latest titles
  if (($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'do=portfolio') || !empty($_REQUEST['page'])) {

  	// checking number of titles
      $get_query_pro = "SELECT * FROM {$table_bd1}, {$table_bd2}
                        WHERE {$table_bd1}.`id` = {$table_bd2}.`pcat`
                        ORDER BY {$table_bd2}.`pname` ASC";
      $row_pro = $db -> super_query($get_query_pro, TRUE);
      $get_count_pro = (gettype($row_pro) == "array") ? count($row_pro) : 0;
      $not_pro = 1;

  // If category chosen, show category titles
  } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['cat']) && empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {

  	// checking category
  	  $catlat = strip_cat ($_REQUEST['cat']);

  	// show quotes if no category chosen
      if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    	  $catlat = mysql_escape_string($catlat);

  	// checking number of titles
      $get_query_pro = "SELECT * FROM {$table_bd1}, {$table_bd2}
                        WHERE {$table_bd1}.`id`    = {$table_bd2}.`pcat`
                        AND {$table_bd1}.`catnamelat` = \"$catlat\"
                        ORDER BY {$table_bd2}.`pname` ASC";
      $row_pro = $db -> super_query($get_query_pro, TRUE);
      $get_count_pro = (gettype($row_pro) == "array") ? count($row_pro) : 0;

  // Еif category and title chosen show the title
  } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['cat']) && !empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {

  	// checkign category
  	  $catlat = strip_cat ($_REQUEST['cat']);
  	// checking title
  	  $pro_id = strip_cat ($_REQUEST['id']);

    // showing quotes if no category or title chosen
      if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    	  $catlat = mysql_escape_string($catlat);
    	  $pro_id = mysql_escape_string($pro_id);

    // checking number of titles
      $get_query_pro = "SELECT * FROM {$table_bd1}, {$table_bd2}
                        WHERE {$table_bd1}.`id`    = {$table_bd2}.`pcat`
                        AND {$table_bd1}.`catnamelat` = \"$catlat\"
                        AND {$table_bd2}.`id` = \"$pro_id\"
                        ORDER BY {$table_bd2}.`pname` ASC";
      $row_pro = $db -> super_query($get_query_pro, TRUE);
      $get_count_pro = (gettype($row_pro) == "array") ? count($row_pro) : 0;

  //  Page navigation

  // How many titles on main page
    if(!empty($config_pf['pro_on_main']) && ($config_pf['pro_on_main'] <= $get_count_pro)) {
        $pro_on_main = $config_pf['pro_on_main'];
    } elseif (empty($config_pf['pro_on_main'])) {
    	$pro_on_main = 6;
    } else {
  	    $pro_on_main = $get_count_pro;

  // choose which number to start showing titles from
 $start = $page * $pro_on_main - $pro_on_main;
 $total = @ceil(($get_count_pro / $pro_on_main));

  // check what was received from db
     if ($page <= 0 || $total == 0 || $get_count_pro == 0 || $start > $get_count_pro) {
         $page  = 1;
         $start = 0;

  // extra navigation parameters
if(($pro_on_main * $total >= $get_count_pro) && ($page == $total)) {
    $add = $pro_on_main - ($pro_on_main * $total - $get_count_pro);
} else {
    $add = $pro_on_main;

*            Title display            *

$dlinksFile = file('uploads/texts/' . $row_pro[0]['pname'] . '.txt');

if (file_exists($dlinksFile)) {
$links = "";
foreach ($file as $line) {
     list($name, $link) = split(" http://", $line);
     $links .= '<a href="http://' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a><br>';


$dlinks .= $links;


else {

$dlinks .= <<<HTML
<br/><b>Links are not ready (or have been removed), come back another time</b>


  // If at least one title exists show it

  // Number of title rows
  $c_tr_pro = 0;

  if ($get_count_pro > 0) {

  	// if id chosen, take to that project
      if (!empty($pro_id)) {

  	  	    // create category menu
              $menu_cat = trans($row_cat, $row_pro[0]['pcat']);

            // get methods
  	  	      $mass_tools = explode('|', $row_pro[0]['checktools']);

  	  	      $tplt = @file_get_contents(ROOT_DIR.'/templates/'.$config['skin'].'/portfolio.tpl');

  	  	      $check1 = (!empty($mass_tools[0])) ? 'on' : 'off';
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{check1}", $check1, $tplt);

  	  	      $check2 = (!empty($mass_tools[1])) ? 'on' : 'off';
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{check2}", $check2, $tplt);

  	  	      $check3 = (!empty($mass_tools[2])) ? 'on' : 'off';
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{check3}", $check3, $tplt);

  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{proekt_name}", $row_pro[0]['pname'],   $tplt);
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{cat_name}",    $menu_cat,              $tplt);
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{id}",          $row_pro[0]['id'],      $tplt);
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{short desc}",    $row_pro[0]['plink'],   $tplt);
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{date}",        $row_pro[0]['pdate'],   $tplt);
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{image}",       $row_pro[0]['image'],   $tplt);
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{long desc}",     $row_pro[0]['pdetail'], $tplt);
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{firma}",       $row_pro[0]['pfirma'],  $tplt);
  	  	      $tplt = str_replace("{dlinks}",      $dlinks,                $tplt);

  	  	      $con .= $tplt;

  	// Else show list of titles
      } else {

        // Number of rows for titles
          $c_tr_pro = 0;

  	    // MVC model
  	      for ($p = $start; $p < $start + $add ; $p++) {

  	        // Вывод по 2 в столбец
  	          if (($p % 2 == 1) && ($p != 0)) {
  	  	          $tr3 = '';
  	  	          $tr4 = '</tr><tr>';

  	          } else {
  	  	          $tr3 = '';
  	  	          $tr4 = '';

  	      // if there is no latin name for category get it from fb
  	        if($not_pro == 1) {
  	        	$catlat = $row_pro[$p]['catnamelat'];

  	      // modrewrite support
  	        if($chpu == 1) {
  	        	$link = "<a href=\"{$path}portfolio/cat_{$catlat}/diz{$row_pro[$p]['id']}.html\">";
  	        } else {
  	        	$link = "<a href=\"{$path}index.php?do=portfolio&cat={$catlat}&id={$row_pro[$p]['id']}\">";

  	  	    $content .= "
                  <td width=\"120\" style=\"padding:20px;\" align=\"center\">
                    $link <img src=\"{$path}uploads/proekts/mini/{$row_pro[$p]['image']}\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\" class=\"min_im\"/></a></td>
                  <td width=\"300\" class=\"description\">
                    <img src=\"{THEME}/images/pf/arow.gif\" width=\"3\" height=\"6\" align=\"absmiddle\" />
                    <a href=\"{$path}index.php?do=portfolio&cat={$catlat}&id={$row_pro[$p]['id']}\" title=\"{$row_pro[$p]['pname']}\">
                      {$row_pro[$p]['pname']} </a> <br />
                      {$row_pro[$p]['plink']} </td>

  	    // add blank cells if needed
          if ($pro_on_main % 2 == 0) {
              $add_cell_pro = '';

          } else {
              for ($z = 0; $z < ($pro_on_main - (2 * $c_tr_pro)); $z++)
                  $add_cell_pro .= '<td width=\"120\" style=\"padding:10px;\">   </td>
                                    <td width=\"300\" class=\"description\">   </td>';
  	      $content .= $add_cell_pro;

  	// Navigation block
  	  if(!empty($_REQUEST['cat'])) $catnav = $_REQUEST['cat'];
  	  $navigation = navigation($catnav);

  	  $con .= <<<HTML
  	        <td colspan="4" style="text-align:center;">

  // If there is no titles diplay the following message
  } elseif ($get_count_pro <= 0 && $not_pro == 0) {
  $con .= '<td><div id="fh3"> - There are no titles in this category - </div></td>';

  // If there is no title under a chosen id show this message
  } elseif (!empty($pro_id) && $not_pro == 0) {
  	  $con .= '<td><div id="fh3"> - Title does not exist, must have been deleted  - </div></td>';

  // If there no titles
  } else {
  $con .= '<td><div id="fh3"> - There is currently no titles - </div></td>';

*   template block   *
   $tpl -> load_template('portfolio_all.tpl');
   $tpl -> set("{MENU_CATEGORY}", $cat_menu);
   $tpl -> set("{INFO_MODUL}",    $modul_info);
   $tpl -> set("{CONTENT}",       $con);
   $tpl -> set("{PATH}",          $path);
   $tpl -> compile('content');
   $tpl -> clear();

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No clue, I never use the <<<HTML  HTML; those type of tags, but I think that is where the error is as in the syntax highlight shown that is where it gets screwed up.


else {

$dlinks .= <<<HTML
<br/><b>Links are not ready (or have been removed), come back another time</b>



Right there, also I wouldn't use file_exists, I would use is_array to check right here


if (file_exists($dlinksFile)) {

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Okay my problem has been solved, i thank you countless times.. you are a php god :D


this is the final working code


$dlinksFile = file('uploads/texts/' . $row_pro[0]['pname'] . '.txt');

if (is_array($dlinksFile)) {
$links = "";
foreach ($dlinksFile as $line) {
     list($name, $link) = split(" http://", $line);
     $links .= '<a href="http://' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a><br>';


$dlinks .= $links;


else {

  	  $dlinks .= '<br/><b>Sorry - the links are not ready (or have been removed), come back another time</b>';

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