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Here is what i need displayed on a page


Friday, June 8th , 2007 

Smith Gym, New York City, NY, USA


Wrestler1 (10-1) vs. Wrestler2  (15-4) Light Welterweight 150lbs


Wrestler3 (10-1) vs. Wrestler4  (15-4) Light Welterweight 150lbs


Wrestler5 (10-1) vs. Wrestler6  (15-4) Light Welterweight 150lbs



here is the table set up:


Wrestler table and an event table in a database. Wrestler table has the following rows, 1st name, last name, wins, losses, draws, style.  the event table has, weekday, day, year, month, venue, city, state,


How do i display Wrestler1 vs Wrestler2 when both Wrestlers are in the same table?


I am making a schedule and this will change week by week.    I know how to set up the db i just dont know how to display Wrestler vs Wrestler from within the same table on an webpage.


I hope that I'm explaining this right.




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we determine based on the week before events.  So, john smith won his last event.  now he needs to Wrestle john smith2.. We will manually be putting in the data.  I use phpmyadmin. 


so once the team decides who will Wrestle who they send me a word doc and i have to put it into the db and generate the schedule. 

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Is there a reason you have to put it in the database?  What I mean is if you are already manually entering data why not just type out the schedule in straight HTML?


It seems with your table scheme there is nothing in either table that tracks who has wrestled who in the past or future.  It may be helpful for you to create a new table not only for new schedules but to track history as well if you want to in the future.


For example:

wrestler table would track individual statisctics (name, record, etc).

event table would track event details (time, place, etc).

schedule table would have field such as event, wrestler1, wrestler2 to track less details about each individual wrestler or event but still reference who did what and where.


Hope this helps, I could expand more but I would almost be writing the code at that point and I am tired today.


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